Auditioned for The Mousetrap

I auditioned for The Mousetrap at Red Clay Theatre Tuesday. My appointment was for 7:25 but I arrived early and was able to do my audition early. I was immediately approached by a guy I have seen in various auditions around town. Could not remember his name at the moment, but I know now: Bob Smith. Nice guy.

At the sign in table was a “Guest Artist” from Barefoot in the Park, the DELIVERY MAN was such a small role, that Button Theatre decided to sale the role. I don’t remember her name. I am so bad with names.

Once in the theatre to audition, the auditors were Ginny Lockhart (Assistant Director of Barefoot in the Park) and Kelly Knowlton (Stage Manager for Barefoot in the Park). They had me do a dramatic monologue and then the same monologue with a British accent. I had been working on a British Northern accent (Yorkshire) so I did that. The stopped me about half way though and said that is all they needed to see. Very quick.

I did find out that because so many people wanted to audition for the play, Monday night was added a an additional night for auditions. That is great.

Today, I received an email inviting me back for Thursday’s callback for the role of MAJOR METCALF. There were two other recipients on that email: Bob Smith mentioned above and George Crolius who I have seen at auditions around town as well. There may be more than the three of us called back for that role.

Of the three, I think I look least like I have retired from the British Army. I can add makeup and age myself. I may do a little of that for the callback.

Auditioned for A Sunday Afternoon at Loemann’s

Arrived yesterday for my audition with my headshots, but without a resume. I don’t have a printer set up at home at the moment. I had intended to print a resume at work and completely forgot. Things were off to a bad start.

On the bright side, Takara Upshaw was there. Takara and I were in Heidi together way back in 20o7. It was nice to see her again.

So as I am trying to remember what I have done and put a quick resume together on the back of the audition form, I was called in. They had an electronic copy of my resume I had sent them before, but not printed out. Nice of them not to worry about it, but they could not as any questions about any items on the resume with out it. They may have found something impressive on it just by holding it.

As far as who “they” were: Austin Snipes and well I did not catch the name of the casting person. Shame on me.

The first question: “What are you doing?’ My mind went blank, I could not remember what monologues I was doing. Even forgot I had them in my blazer pocket.

“OK. Not a problem. Please proceed.” So I start into my first monologue: Degas, C’sest Moi. Amazingly I did not flub over this one as nervous as I was. At the finish of this one, I paused, stepped aside for just a moment to get into character for the second monologue: Marty. This one I flubbed, badly.

My mind just went blank and I couldn’t call for line. After that fiasco, we discussed my headshots for a while. They liked them very much. Pleased about that.

As I was leaving, I ran into Lory Cox. We were in Barefoot in the Park last year. She was great. Maybe we will be working together again.

What I Did On 2008-08-07

  • Meet with the real estate agent this afternoon so she can put the house on the market. Then bought the wrong color blinds to replace bad one #
  • Barefoot memory: me on one side of stage and Clarke on other and seeing the old ladies in front row doing the tennis match head swing #
  • The new Drobo is on backorder darnit! Ordered one this past Sunday #
  • Lunch. I think chineese today. #
  • I have the Streetcar script for 2 days and I am already mumbling lines in the bathroom stall… and there is someone in the next stall over #
  • My grandmother used to mumble lines also… but she never had a script. I think I am mumbling lines. #
  • Friend of mine, Hatcher, pointed out the I had speleng mstakas on my website. DO’H! #
  • Leaving work, heading home to eat, change, then of to rehearsal. First play where I can do that. #
  • Damn typos. #

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A Thank You From Button Theatre

Hey Guys –

I just wanted to take a minute to thank each of you for an absolutely fabulous show. You all put a lot of extra time and effort into this production and it definitely showed. I’d wanted to say this all to you guys in person yesterday, but juggling babysitters prevented me from getting to the theatre early enough.

Actors – I got many many MANY compliments on each of your performances. Each one of you ended up being some audience member’s favorite character and I think that shows what an extremely well rounded and talented cast you were. And your chemistry together onstage made it fun for me to watch the show twelve times. : )

Crew – You guys were outstanding. I could not have asked for a better crew. You guys were always on your tasks and on your game and did so much more than was expected of you.

Thank you all so much for making Button Theatre’s third production (and FIRST straight play) such a stellar production. Those of you that are moving on, GOOD LUCK in your next stage of life. If you ever need a reference, please let me know. Those that are sticking around the A town, please do come back and audition for us in the future!!

Mary Carolyn Conti
Artistic Director * Button Theatre

No Longer Barefoot

Yes, I will keep my day job. We finished up Barefoot in the Park this weekend. It was a great weekend and the only complaint from the audience was there was not enough advertisement for the play. I have said I like to end with a bang and Sunday we had our best audience and our best performance. And it was a little sad to end a run with such good people. Will you see them again or better yet act with them again. I am already having withdrawls.