A Thank You From Button Theatre

Hey Guys –

I just wanted to take a minute to thank each of you for an absolutely fabulous show. You all put a lot of extra time and effort into this production and it definitely showed. I’d wanted to say this all to you guys in person yesterday, but juggling babysitters prevented me from getting to the theatre early enough.

Actors – I got many many MANY compliments on each of your performances. Each one of you ended up being some audience member’s favorite character and I think that shows what an extremely well rounded and talented cast you were. And your chemistry together onstage made it fun for me to watch the show twelve times. : )

Crew – You guys were outstanding. I could not have asked for a better crew. You guys were always on your tasks and on your game and did so much more than was expected of you.

Thank you all so much for making Button Theatre’s third production (and FIRST straight play) such a stellar production. Those of you that are moving on, GOOD LUCK in your next stage of life. If you ever need a reference, please let me know. Those that are sticking around the A town, please do come back and audition for us in the future!!

Mary Carolyn Conti
Artistic Director * Button Theatre