Auditioning for A Streetcar Named Desire

“A Streetcar Named Desire” -A New Dawn Production
October 2 – 19
Thurs-Sat at 8pm
Matinees: Sat and Sun at 2pm
Tickets $18.00
Company: New Dawn Theater Company
Venue: Red Clay Theatre and Arts Center

This classic deals with a culture clash between two symbolic characters, Blanche DuBois, a pretentious, fading relic of the Old South, and Stanley Kowalski, a rising member of the industrial, urban immigrant class. From the beginning, Blanche and Stanley are at odds; opposing ideals, ways of life, and each other on every minute detail of life. This confrontation ultimately leads Blanche to the revelation of her tragic self delusion and in the end, to her madness.

A Thank You From Button Theatre

Hey Guys –

I just wanted to take a minute to thank each of you for an absolutely fabulous show. You all put a lot of extra time and effort into this production and it definitely showed. I’d wanted to say this all to you guys in person yesterday, but juggling babysitters prevented me from getting to the theatre early enough.

Actors – I got many many MANY compliments on each of your performances. Each one of you ended up being some audience member’s favorite character and I think that shows what an extremely well rounded and talented cast you were. And your chemistry together onstage made it fun for me to watch the show twelve times. : )

Crew – You guys were outstanding. I could not have asked for a better crew. You guys were always on your tasks and on your game and did so much more than was expected of you.

Thank you all so much for making Button Theatre’s third production (and FIRST straight play) such a stellar production. Those of you that are moving on, GOOD LUCK in your next stage of life. If you ever need a reference, please let me know. Those that are sticking around the A town, please do come back and audition for us in the future!!

Mary Carolyn Conti
Artistic Director * Button Theatre

No Longer Barefoot

Yes, I will keep my day job. We finished up Barefoot in the Park this weekend. It was a great weekend and the only complaint from the audience was there was not enough advertisement for the play. I have said I like to end with a bang and Sunday we had our best audience and our best performance. And it was a little sad to end a run with such good people. Will you see them again or better yet act with them again. I am already having withdrawls.

Missing auditions

We are currently in the process of packing up and moving out of our house. Hopefully we can put it on the market very soon. Because of this I am not going to some auditions that I want to attend: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and No Sex Please, We’re British both at the Rosewater Theatre. Life seems to be interfeering with my acting!

Auditioned at the Alliance

Well, I had my audition at the Alliance Theatre yesterday. The Alliance, who one a 2007 Regional Theatre Tony Award. I arrive early, thank goodness, because I was called in almost immediately. There was no way they knew I was there so they must have been ahead of schedule.

I believe I auditioned for Susan Booth, the Artistic Director. Being nervous and all, I missed her name. Shame on me. So she gives my resume the once over and then says I can begin when ready. So I do my two monologues: Inferno and Stewart. When I am finished, I get a “thank you” and I am out. I don’t think I did very well. I will know when I am never contacted for a role.