Callback and a Play

I received a call from Candy Spahr on my way home from work on Friday. She offered me a callback for Anne of Avonlea. The callbacks have been moved to Monday at 5 PM. This was interesting because as far as I knew, there were more auditions to be held on Saturday. But as I stated before, I was the only adult male to audition on Thursday night.

On Saturday, I received a call from the Artistic Director, IJ Rosenblum, at Button Theatre offering me a role in Barefoot in the Park. The Auditions were last weekend and I has assumed I did not get a role. The part I auditioned for and which I knew I did not get was for the older eccentric neighbor. The part I was offered, and accepted, was for the TELEPHONE REPAIRMAN. It is a paid role and my first role at a Professional Non-Equity theatre. All I have done before now have been in Community Theatres.

Auditioned for Anne of Avonlea

I (and a few others) received an email earlier in the week from Jeannie with the play details and character breakdowns. What I gathered (and confirmed) was that Jeannie wanted to see me audition. I know that this did not guarantee me a role, just that she wanted to see me/us audition. So I did.

There was a single adult male role. J. A. HARRISON is a 45ish, blustery irate neighbor, who tends to bully and browbeat everyone. Not that the rest of the male role are children, but I don’t think I can do an 18 year old. So J. A. HARRISON or bust.

Jeannie had me read a single scene with ANNE where J. A. HARRISON rants about a cow who is into his oats. It was a fun scene.

Candy Cain Spahr was supposed to have directed the play, but a new job is taking her away. I was in Heidi with Candy, so it would have been good to work with her again. I take that back, she will be Co-Directing while she is in town, but that is only for a few weeks.

I was mentioning to Candy about understanding the desire to do larger roles. I have done a lot of minor roles and the only lead role I have had was in A Christmas Story this past December. I have scene actors who will refuse to do a role because it is small. My thought is that at least I am doing something that I love to do. Yes I would like to be the lead, but at least with any role, I am on stage even if its just for part of a play.

I know that I am not guaranteed a part in Anne of Avonlea, but I was the only adult male who auditioned last night. There are more auditions on Saturday with callbacks, if necessary, on Saturday afternoon.

Audition Notice: Anne of Avonlea

Kudzu Family Playhouse
10743 Alpharetta Highway
Brannon Square
Roswell, Georgia 30076

Audition Notice for: Anne of Avonlea Directed by Jeannie Hinds.

Dates and times of audition: January 24 Thursday @ 7pm January 26 Saturday @ 11:30am

Location of audition: 608 Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell, Ga. 30076

Casting needs: Nine women, ages 14-65 Five men, ages 10-55 Anne of Avonlea is the sequel to Anne of Green Gables. It continues the story of Anne Shirley, an imaginative and headstrong young orphan in 1890s Canada, whose hot temper matches her red hair. Anne of Green Gables told of Anne’s adoption by an elderly brother and sister, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert, and her childhood adventures in the idyllic village of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island. Anne of Avonlea takes up the story with Anne, now sixteen, soon after Matthew’s death, when Anne has graduated from college. It follows her struggles and adventures as an aspiring writer and English teacher in a private school on the mainland.

Performances: March 22-April 20, 2008 Saturday and Sunday at 2 pm Saturday, April 12 & 19 at 7:30pm Performances will be at 10743 Alpharetta Highway, Roswell, Ga. 30076

Audition requirements: Cold readings from the script

Name: Jeannie Hinds
Telephone # 770-594-1020
Fax # 770-594-1318

(Directions) Kudzu (3rd Stage) Playhouse is on the corner of Alpharetta Highway and Holcomb Bridge Road in the Roswell Town Center Mall, 608 Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell. The theatre is downstairs at the South end of the center hallway next to Whirly Ball.

Callbacks for Barefoot in the Park

To my surprise, I received a callback for Barefoot in the Park at Button Theatre. If you read the previous post you will remember that I discussed not having a beard during auditions. So I did something stupid for the callback… I shaved.

My thought was that if I shaved, I would appear younger, and the director would read me for the younger role. Had I spent just a few seconds and thought, I would have realized that I was being called back for the part I read for, which was the older male role.

Now I have cut myself out of a role because I did not look the part. I knew this and was just being stupid.

In discussing this with my friend Mark Gray, who acts in Atlanta, you should even where the same cloths you work for the initial audition.

Of course if I had just did a little research before the audition I would have know the age range of the character that I wanted.

I am still going to shave before auditions.

Auditioned for Barefoot in the Park at Button Theatre

I auditioned for Barefoot in the Park at Button Theatre last night. The audition consisted of a monologue and a cold reading from the script. I have never seen the movie or the play so no nothing other than Robert Redford was in the movie. I have made it a point not to watch movies or broad casted plays for something I might want to act in. I do not want to be influenced by the acting done in these plays. I truly want to develop my own character.

The monologue I did was Inferno from the BBC TV show Coupling. After doing the monologue my way, the director had me do it again as if angry to see who I could think on my feet. This was also part of the Meister technique. Learn the lines with no thought as to anger, comedy, presentation, etc. This way when you are asked to perform a different way you are not hindered by the lines but only by the direction of the direction given.

There are 5 characters in this play. The main couple is in there 20’s. With my beard I look 10 years older. I believe my acting range (without makeup) is mid 20’s to late 30’s. With my beard I am at the upper end of that, if not higher. I said I would do any of the 3 male roles. The director had me read for the eccentric upstairs neighbor. I think my beard needs to go for auditions.

Also the artistic director had a hard time matching me to my headshot. It is 3 years old. I do need a new headshot.

Callbacks are on Saturday. We will see if I get a callback.