Auditioned for Anne of Avonlea

I (and a few others) received an email earlier in the week from Jeannie with the play details and character breakdowns. What I gathered (and confirmed) was that Jeannie wanted to see me audition. I know that this did not guarantee me a role, just that she wanted to see me/us audition. So I did.

There was a single adult male role. J. A. HARRISON is a 45ish, blustery irate neighbor, who tends to bully and browbeat everyone. Not that the rest of the male role are children, but I don’t think I can do an 18 year old. So J. A. HARRISON or bust.

Jeannie had me read a single scene with ANNE where J. A. HARRISON rants about a cow who is into his oats. It was a fun scene.

Candy Cain Spahr was supposed to have directed the play, but a new job is taking her away. I was in Heidi with Candy, so it would have been good to work with her again. I take that back, she will be Co-Directing while she is in town, but that is only for a few weeks.

I was mentioning to Candy about understanding the desire to do larger roles. I have done a lot of minor roles and the only lead role I have had was in A Christmas Story this past December. I have scene actors who will refuse to do a role because it is small. My thought is that at least I am doing something that I love to do. Yes I would like to be the lead, but at least with any role, I am on stage even if its just for part of a play.

I know that I am not guaranteed a part in Anne of Avonlea, but I was the only adult male who auditioned last night. There are more auditions on Saturday with callbacks, if necessary, on Saturday afternoon.

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