Actor’s Nightmare

I had a nightmare the other night. I dreamed I was in a production and we were at opening night and I did not have ANY of my lines memorized. So I was going to use the script on stage. Then I couldn’t find where I was supposed to be in the script.

Before that part of the dream, I had all my stage clothes locked in my truck and I could not find my keys. So here I was on stage, without my clothes, did not know my lines, nor could I find where I was supposed to be in the script. No I wasn’t naked. I was wearing gray sweatpants and a long sleeve button-up.

But wait, there’s more. Before I realized I did not have my clothes, and before I realized I did not know my lines, there was the phone call: “You do remember we have a show tonight?” AARRRGGHH!

So there I was, on stage with no lines, no clothes, not able to find my place in the script and I was late!

Oh, did I mention that it was sold out?

So no lines, no cloths, not able to find my place in the script and I was late for a sold out show. With all that said, once I was on stage, not delivering any lines, large parts of the audience in the 250 seat theatre were leaving! What a disaster.

And then like all dreams, the plot twist arrived: The remaining audience stood up and cheered. Still don’t know why. Maybe it was because at that point I found my place in the script and read a few lines. So I started yelling for them to be quite so I could read some more and they wouldn’t. Lane? oh yes, the director was Lane. You know, the director of Beau Jest. Lane then told me to let them cheer if they wanted to. OK. Fine by me.

The worst part of all this is that I am dreaming about acting. This isn’t the first time either. Other dreams included auditions and other plays. Is that a good thing or bad?