
Tonight in class we did a Wandering scene. The scene provides very little information about what is really going on. This is where the who, what, where, when, why and “How does that make you feel?” come into play. We were paired off and had to run through these questions to determine what was going on for us. We first did the scene using only the script, then with the next go round, we could improve as long as we stated with our lines first.

Also, we learned that the words themselves are just a technicality. The emotion put into the words will give them meaning and physicality.


A: Hello.
B: Where have you been?
A: Wandering.
B: Wandering?
A: Yeah, wandering around.
B: You pick the strangest times?
A: Look. I’ve got to get to bed.
B: I care about what’s happening to you.
A: It’s my problem.
B: Let me in.
A: No.
B: Please.
A: I’m scared.
B: So am I.