- Saw Star Trek twice over the 3 day weekend. Enjoyed it. #
- Been sick the past few days. But felt so much better being at rehearsal last night. Nothing like doing what you love to make you feel better #
- And after rehearsal realized I locked my keys in my truck. Nothing like doing something stupid to make you feel sick again. #
- RT @StephenGordon: “I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.” – Robert A. Heinlein #tlot #c4l #
- RT @JayCroft: It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop until you are dead.<-LIFE? #
- Wow. My oldest niece will start Jr. High this fall. I still remember her first birthday. Oh she did not like being sung Happy Birthday at. #
- Today I should find out if I am in Summer Rep 3 and/or 4 at the Alliance Theatre. I am 98% sure I am in Rep 4 (Royal Family). #
- RT @GMHForLiberty: @swayward Life: an STD with a 100% mortality rate. <– Yep. #
- @atlantasymphony. I caught the tail end of last nights ¡Musica Ardiente! festivities. Was on the 3rd floor rehearsing. Would love to see Ma. in reply to atlantasymphony #
- @atlantasymphony. No tickets for tonight. Look forward to the fall concert. in reply to atlantasymphony #
- “I’m totally against straight marriage…I don’t think heterosexual marriage is any of the government’s business.”-@pennjillette #tlot #tcot #
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