What I Did: Week Ending 2009-04-05

  • Monologues That Work at the Alliance Theatre did get enough students to make. However it is postponed till next Monday April 6th. #
  • Gonna be one of those days. Left lunch at home. #
  • Leaving soon to meet up with @DocGyver and other fellow x-coworkers. Our last Monday of the month gathering. #
  • We have been doing this gathering for years now. I left the company in 98 or 99. #
  • Must finish my cup of tea first. Tea is a terrible thing to waste. Unless you are using it as a symbol of dissatisfaction with Government #
  • In little over an hour I will leave Norcross and head down to 14th street for the Atlanta Unifieds. #
  • @jtalia Thank you. Getting nervous. in reply to jtalia #
  • @alyjack See you at 11:57 then. in reply to alyjack #
  • Off to the Unifieds. Should arrive about an hour early. Better early than late. #
  • Crap. Don’t think I did well at the Atlanta Unifieds. I did both monologues, without missing a line… as far as I know. #
  • My brain just shut down and my body was doing the monologues. That is bad, because I was not in control of what my mouth and body were doing #
  • Met @joeventures at the Unifieds. Thanks Joe. #
  • Also ran into Karen Rooker and Patrick Schambach who I have worked with in the past. #
  • Twice in two days now. A celebrity twitters a URL and their followers bombard the site and brings down the targets’ web server. #
  • Accidental of course. But it is funny the way the followers jump to see what is out there. #
  • Wow I was able to tweet the same text twice. Hit the enter key twice by accident and was able to post before tweetdeck could clear buffer #
  • RT @TheatreUBC: “God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.” – Voltaire (1694-1778) <– like that #
  • Having my first cup of tea. Shameful. Maybe it was the lack of tea for poor performance at the Atlanta Unifieds. #
  • Cranky today. #
  • RT @Foodimentary: “When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.” ~Henry Youngman <– another great #quote #
  • Accepting a role of Vale in Kaufman & Hart’s “Once in a Lifetime.” at the @alliancetheatre student program. #
  • RT @crazeegeekchick: 1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d <– damn it. #
  • Or maybe I should have said “d4mn |7” #
  • My ADD seems to be in overdrive toda…. oh look. #
  • Off to the Alliance Theatre for Advanced Scene Study class. #
  • @alyjack I did shots for years. So now the allergies are just a seasonal annoyance instead of breaking out in hives. in reply to alyjack #
  • Favorite anime series: Cowboy Bebop #
  • @wcdarling Welcome back. in reply to wcdarling #
  • RT @BenThrashers: Can any of you access atlantathrashers.com or thrashers.nhl.com? — first url No, second yes #
  • @DailyActor bluehost.com <– rated one the top five hosting services in reply to DailyActor #
  • OK, just did a half mile walk, not much but it’s a start. Now I feel coated with pollen. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-03-08

  • RT @Foodimentary: Did you know in 1938, Indiana professor, Rollo Harger introduced the ‘Drunkometer’, the 1st alcohol breath testing device. #
  • Despite the slush yesterday, we still had an audience of about a dozen plus. #
  • RT @DocGyver: @SWayward People crazy about watching crazy? 🙂 <–ummm goes without saying, I suppose. #
  • Headache. #
  • Did I mention that the furnace for the main floor of the house is broken. At least the upstairs furnace is working. Knock on head (tis wood) #
  • OK, knocking on the head did not do much for the headache. #
  • So Peanut M&M’s and a coke has not helped (or hurt) my headache. Suppose I will give advil a try. #
  • @jtalia – A tea person myself. Did I get the right account? Rosewater auditions? in reply to jtalia #
  • @jtalia Cool! in reply to jtalia #
  • RT @redstarvip: I support empowerment of women worldwide with this tweet. #apowerfulnoisehttp://tinyurl.com/arkjmq #
  • How come after eating a large plate of vegetables, I am still hungry. #
  • I need a year planner for Mac and/or iPod Touch. Something where I can put in all dates so I can plan what if scenarios. #
  • Off to the Alliance to work with Pat Hurley on monologues. #
  • OK at work now. The furnace when out last week, finally had it looked at today. He jiggled a few wires and charged me $154. Could be worse. #
  • Corporate boss is in town and in the office today. Told he already did a walk through looking in all the cubes. No porn today. LOL. #
  • @DavidBlue I get the same thing as a mentally ill patient in One Flew Over The Cookoo’s Nest. The not having to act bit. in reply to DavidBlue #
  • Do’h. Keep forgetting. Tonight is Industry Night – PWYC – at New Dawn Theater: One Flew Over The Cookoo’s Nest. #
  • Approaching 200 people I am following. I think I might be addicted. Even when looking for a new phone my thought is can I tweet from it. #
  • RT @Wossy: Am just going to knock on Michael C Hall’s door. <– Have him join twitter! #
  • I played SimCity on my iPod Touch for about an hour last night. Made good progress… then the app crashed before I save any of it. Do’h. #
  • Took my headshot to Prima for more copies. I need sixty for the Unifieds. 100 minimum and they will print resumes on the back of 50 for me. #
  • Well off to the 1 of the final 5 showing of One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest. Tonight is PWYK. #
  • Nothing can ruin you day faster than an email to the world starting with “Well if this has passed the QA tests”. It was all user error. #
  • My day was good until then. Great even. Now I am in a damn bad mood. #
  • @MacHeist Yeah, I’ll take a free copy of DEVONthink! http://macheist.com/tweetblast/ #MacHeist #free #
  • @the_brian_jones You can get it for free by going to this link http://macheist.com/tweetblast/ in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • No news is bad news. Never heard from my audition on Monday. So its a spring of classes at the @alliancetheatre: Actor’s Process, Voice Over #
  • The auditions for the Summer Reps are in a couple of weeks. #
  • A great Pat Hurley quote: “Mmmm. I make the best instant coffee” #
  • Off to find some food before tonights show. #

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Audition Notice: Summer Rep at the Alliance

Alliance Theatre Acting Program announces auditions for the Summer Reps. The Summer Rep classes for adults offered by the Alliance Theatre Acting Program. They are created to take you through the process of audition, rehearsal, and performance with a professional teacher/director. The focus is on ensemble, relationships, rehearsal techniques and professional etiquette. The result: four performances before an audience of your friends, family and members of the general public. Be prepared – a minimum of four hours per week of preparation and rehearsal time outside of class is expected.

Call NOW to reserve an audition time slot or enroll: 404.733.4700

Tuition: $274.00

Summer Rep #1 – And Then There Were None
Audition: March 21, 2009, 6:30 – 10:00 PM
Performance: May 28 – 30, 2009, 7:30 PM and May 31, 2009, 2:30 PM
Class begins: April 20, 2009, Mon, Wed, Fri, 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Summer Rep #2 – Once in a Lifetime
Audition: March 21, 2009, 6:30 – 10:00 PM
Performance: June 18 – 20, 2009, 7:30 PM and June 21, 2009, 2:30 PM
Class begins: May 17, 2009, Tue, Thur, Sat, 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Summer Rep #3 – Our Town
Audition: May 16, 2009, 6:30 – 10:00 PM
Performance: July 30 – 31, 7:30 PM, August 1, 2009, 7:30 PM and August 2, 2009, 2:30 PM
Class begins: June 22, 2009, Mon, Wed, Fri, 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Summer Rep #4 – Royal Family
Audition: May 16, 2009, 6:30 – 10:00 PM
Performance: August 27 – 29, 2009, 7:30 PM and August 30, 2009, 2:30 PM
Class begins: July 11, 2009, Tue, Thur, Sat, 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Auditioned for Misery

I auditioned last night for Misery at Rosewater Theatre. Last night was also the callback for those who auditioned last week. But this is a good case of “Do your research”. The audition notices stated that they were looking for 1 male. And not knowing anything more than seeing commercials when the movie came out, I assumed there was only 1 male in the play. Even doing a bare minimal Google search, I found the name of the lead role: PAUL. Still did not see anything about other male actors.

I think the lead male actor is already filled and I put on the downloaded audition form that I would only accept that role. When I arrived there were sides for the other males. I ended up sticking with my choice of only auditioning for the lead for only a single reason: Alliance Theater Summer Repituar.

I was, well still am, torn about accepting another role than the lead. I do want to be seen in as many theaters as possible. My thought was that if I get the lead, I will skip the first two Summer Reps and could still do planned vacation in May. If I don’t do Misery, then I could audition for the Summer Reps, but I would miss vacation in May. I still may not get a role in a Summer Rep, but Pat Hurley, monologue coach and instructor, would like to see me audition. He is directing 2 of the 4 Reps.

Back to the audition: My first read was two different sides with a female partner and they went well. Because I was the only non-callback male there, the director asked me to read with other ladies. So I did. The more I read, the more I get to display my acting ability. Of course I am not going to NOT read with anybody.

In the end though, because I was only looking to do PAUL, I don’t think I will receive a role. That’s OK. Next audition is for the Summer Reps.

Three “Shows” on Saturday

I had three shows on Saturday: A TV shoot and 2 stage shows. I left the house at 8 AM that morning for the TV shoot of Bright Flames TV. And after 2 stage shows for One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest, I made it back home around 11 PM.

One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest – 10 down, 5 to go

But let’s backup a bit. The weekend actually started on Thursday evening with an 8 PM showing of Cookoo’s Nest. And as I write this, I cannot remember how many people were in the audience; less than 10, I believe. Friday saw a very responsive crowd of about 30 or so. For Saturday’s matinee, I had arrived in time for cast call having just left the Bright Flames TV shoot. Really had no time to spare between those two. Saturday saw our largest crowd of over 50 people. That was a great night.

Sunday Slush and Calamine

I had been hearing for about 5 days or so, that there would be snow on Sunday, but as Sunday drew closer with no significant drop in temperature, I figured whatever snow we did have would not stick. So as I am driving towards the theater it turns from rain to very heavy snow. Still, I was thinking that nothing was going to stick to the roads. I can admit it; I was wrong. Some of the streets were starting to be covered in slush. Even the parking lot was covered in wet snow.

Once I get to the theatre, which is in Duluth, I am thinking I am not going to drive to the Alliance Theatre after the show. I had an appointment with Pat Hurley for practicing my monologues. From the Alliance to my house in Buford is 37 miles (74 miles round trip). And from Duluth to the Alliance is 12 miles less. Rescheduled with Pat for Tuesday evening.

Meanwhile in the dressing room, the cast is going over who is going to do what if 2 of our cast members do not show up. Who is going to say this line? Do we need that line? What lines are important? So we kinda work this out, but thank goodness they show up.

Meanwhile, again in the dressing room, I was saying I was not going to get dressed until we have an audience. “There are 20 people on the books.” OK, nevermind, I will get dressed. We didn’t quite have 20 but still a larger crowd than we had for Saturday’s matinee even with the snow.

Later on stage: There is a point in act ii when McMURPHY and HARDING are mixing a drink concoction from the medicine cabinet. Greg (McMURPHY) grabs a wrong bottle and puts it into the hot water bottle that is being used to hold the drink. When he poured it out into small cups it was this white-ish looking liquid. Only one or two people drank it. I had a sip thinking maybe it was a treat from the stage hands. Turns out it was Calamine lotion. Vant (TURKLE) and I have to take all the cups and bottles off the stage at the end of the scene. And usually I will drink anything that is still left in the small cups, but I was not drinking this stuff. I sit at the table near the end of that scene and so in character, I emptied all the small cups of Calamine laced liquid back into the hot water bottle. Had too. Could not get it all off otherwise.

At the end of the show, the snow had lessened and even was beginning to melt off. By 6 or 7 PM, it was nearly all gone, at my house anyway. I could have gone to the Alliance.

Bright Flames TV

Finally, after about 5 months for me (longer for the rest of the cast), we were able to get in the studio and actually shoot. And we didn’t get done. We had until noon and really only got 1 hour of shooting done. Tech took a long time, but they needed it. Focusing lights, sounds, etc.

On Friday, I received a frantic phone call from Teresa. The group providing the costumes lost the measurements for everybody. And the phone number for Teresa was on that sheet of paper. So I gave here some measurements and they grabbed some costumes, but did not have time to alter them. So Saturday morning, I pull up the paints and I look like I have just done a commercial for losing 100 pounds. What was worse was there was no belt loops or suspenders. I borrowed a belt from Doug and sort of just put the belt around my waist to hold up the paints. Once the vest and jacket were on, you could not see the belt.

So with an hour studio time left, we actually begin to shoot. I had never used teleprompters before, but I knew the concept. What was unfortunate was that the teleprompters were on 2 of the cameras. So for large swaths of dialog, people are actually looking straight into the camera. The early thought was to have 3 cameras: Straight on for all five people and one on each side for the 2 people on each side. The teleprompters were supposed to be just off camera.

And we did not finish, damn it! I believe we need another 3 hours of shooting, to get various camera angles, hopefully without looking directly into a camera. Robert wants to do some close ups, etc. I hope this turns out to be an OK production.

Eventful weekend to say the least.