Audition Notice: An Adult Evening With Shel Silverstein

Relapse Theatre held auditions this past Saturday night, but I was unable to attend. Also the run dates had not been finalized. All that was mentioned was the end of July. Barefoot in the Park runs in July. The dates for this show start the very next weekend after Barefoot. Show times for Barefoot are also on Thursday night. I may have too many conflicts for rehearsals. We shall see.

They have added another audition date: “We added another day for auditions due to an overwhelming display of interest.”

An Adult Evening With Shel Silverstein by Shel Silverstein

Welcome to the darkly comic world of Shel Silverstein, a world where nothing is as it seems and where the most innocent conversation can turn menacing in an instant. The ten imaginative plays in this collection range widely in content, but the style is unmistakable.

Directed by Sally Ann Cone

Audition: Saturday, May 10th, 7:00 to 9:00 PM

Cast: 8 total (M or W)

Show Dates: July 31, August 1,7,8,14,15,17

Location: 380 14th Street, Atlanta, Georgia

This is a cold read audition. All roles are nonpaid. If you are unable to attend the allotted time for auditions contact Sally Ann Cone to make arrangements.

Auditioned for Madea Goes to Jail

I don’t think it went very well. I have always had trouble changing inflections on demand. The audition notes stated that the OFFICER should be authoritative which is what I had in mind when memorizing the lines and practicing. With Alpha Tyler, she asked that the lines be dripping with sarcasm.  The police have been trying to arrest MADEA for a while and now have her in custody. I just have trouble changing my tone. I need to work on that.

On the other hand, working with Alpha Tyler was great. She was friendly and talkative, which made it easy for me to relax. I hope that working with casting directors like Alpha is the rule, not the exception.

A Movie Audition

I have a movie audition with Tyler Perry Studios on Tuesday morning. This is the first result of doing the Atlanta Unfieds a few weeks ago. They are starting production on a new movie, Madea Goes to Jail, due out in the fall. I am reading for the part of ether OFFICER or OFFICER #2.

This is very exciting for several reasons: First the Unifieds were a success for me. Second, hopefully this will lead to more movies and TV. Of course, auditions do not mean a role in the movie, but I can dream.

Finally Over

We finished up Anne of Avonlea last night. The last two shows were for a house full of Girl Scouts. A lot of the humor in Anne is geared towards older audiences, jokes that the kids would not catch on. With that in mind, I thought the last two shows would be very quiet. I was surprised. Last nights show was very funny. I found myself gearing some of the lines towards the younger people by changing the inflections just enough. I notices a lot of the cast members doing this. It really was a great show and a great way to end the run.

The Girl Scouts had a patch made for the event and the cast members were given one. I will scan it and post is soon.

Final Weekend for Anne of Avonlea

There is always a sense of emptiness and sadness that comes with the end of run. In some way though, this is different only because audience turnout has been so low. It’s almost a relief to be finished. We do have 5 more shows: three this weekend and one each on Tuesday and Thursday. The Tuesday and Thursday shows are private showings for Girl Scouts, I believe. Sold out or near that anyway.

I had been trying to find a show to do between this one and Barefoot in the Park which rehearses in June and runs in July. So know what do I do for the next month; I feel the withdrawals coming on.

I so could do this full time!