Accepted into an Advanced Acting Class

One of my fellow actors in Anne of Avonlea, Kathleen Seconder, recommended Pat Hurley’s acting class at the Alliance Theatre. She said there were prerequisites but that with my experience I should be able to get into the class.

Having been in rehearsals on Wednesday nights, the night of classes, I put off calling Pat until this week. We talked on the phone and I was invited to sit in on last nights class.

Literally as I grabbed my phone yesterday to leave for the class, it rang. Pat called and said that because some people were going to be missing, would I mind reading a scene with another student. Of course I said I would.

That was my audition for the class. Pat invited me to join his class. I cannot describe how excited he seemed to be over my performance: Smiles, “As Advertised” (Kathleen had talked to him about me earlier in the year), etc. It is kind of a blur.

I am very excited to be in a class where “getting you to the next level” was mentioned often.

What I Did On 2008-08-13

  • Drobo sits in the box, taunting me. I have no SATA drives. Well, one 200GB drive. I might use it just to set Drobo up for coolness factor. #
  • Finished blocking act 1 for Streetcar tonight. Scenes can be very busy with overlapping dialogue. #
  • @hotdogsladies …Having a Steve Martin moment are we? #
  • M&M Premiums. I love chocolate, but these are going to make me gain 30 Pounds this week alone. #
  • My home is for sale: #
  • Well, off to sit in on the Advanced Acting Class at the Alliance Theatre. #

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What I Did On 2008-08-12

  • Steampunk name is Nehemiah Darknoll #
  • My Drobo has arrived, but the hard drives ordered from Woot are missing. #
  • Just talked with Pat Hurley at the Alliance Theatre about advanced acting classes. He invited me to sit in on tomorrow nights class. #
  • Woot says that my drives were never shipped. Will be shipped today. Well I guess I will not have my drobo up for another week or so. #

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What I Did On 2008-08-11

  • I have been keeping track of miles traveled for anything related to acting. I have put just about 2600 miles on my truck. @3.75 per gallon.. #
  • OH. And this is just this year. Wow. $9,750 for gas #
  • Out to the house again! Repair guy says he’d done. I need to load all the scrap wood into my truck for disposal. #

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