What I Did On 2008-08-19

  • Didn’t sleep well last night. Still sore from Sunday’s shoot. But more importantly was trying not to disturb one of the cats. #
  • Ran a link checker against my acting site to check for broken links. Out of the 1561 links only 33 are broken. Mostly on blog from conversion #

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What I Did On 2008-08-18

  • Going to bed now after a day of shooting for the short film, The Interview. #
  • Sore this morning. Right shoulder is bothering me. Maybe from falling out the chair after being shot by an arrow. #
  • Did it again. updating blog entries without turning off twitter tools #

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Filmed The Interview yesterday

Well, at least my scene anyway. Everybody else was dressed up in costumes representing an Elf, Knight, Magician and Thief. I, on the other hand, am wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt with “non player character” written across the front. The group is interviewing the magician to join the party. Upon looking at the module which calls for 4 players and how this is a problem, the Elf shoots me, the NPC, to make room for their newest party member.

I arrived yesterday just before 12:00. Delayed for 2 hours, so I leave and return 2 hours later. We rehearse, put on costumes and around 5 PM begin shoot. Three hours later, we wrap up our scene. I believe they were shooting another scene last night.

Can’t wait to see the finished product.

What I Did On 2008-08-15

  • Streetcar Research: Rosenkavalier translates from German to mean “The Knight of the Rose”. Der Rosenkavalier a 1911 opera by Richard Strauss #
  • Streetcar Research: Alpaca is a heard animal limited to the Andes mountains of South America. The coat Mitch wears in Act II Scene 2. #
  • Yes, I am using Twitter as a capture tool for research. Twitter Tools will create a blog entry for me. #
  • I called to pay for the advanced acting class and the person I talked to said Pat was saying great things about me. Must go deflate head now #

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