What I Did On 2008-08-28

  • The M key on a coworker’s keyboard does not work. So she says she leaves space for M’s and then copies and pastes them into her docuements #
  • @wcdarling I probably would do something like that as well. Part of the funny was her telling IT and me thinking of all the IT idiot stories #

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What I Did On 2008-08-26

  • It is intersting watching Tweeters from Great Britain as they are waking up and Californians are going to sleep. Me in the middle in Georgia #
  • The Wife sent the vet a Thank You for the nice card on Einstein’s passing, including a color print of Einstein and they framed, displayed it #
  • off to dinner, change and then Streetcar rehearsal: final night of blocking. I need to start memorizing lines #

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Scene study: Breaking the Code

For acting class, the scene I am working on with a fellow student – Alan – is Act I, Scene 8 from Breaking the Code by Hugh Whitemore. In this scene SERGEANT ROSS (me) has returned to ALAN TURING’s (Alan) flat to ask some follow up questions based on some inconsistent information TURING gave during their first interview. TURING having reported a burglary to his flat. It’s 1952. It’s Manchester, England.

All of this is from ROSS’s view:

TURING pointed to GEORGE as the burglar. Fingerprints confirmed that but for TURING to get that information from a Door-to-Door brush salesman is a bit fantastical. ROSS thinks TURING is lying and says so. Not in an accusatory way, just factual. ROSS just wants the truth. TURING is not known for his social skills, so I think ROSS believes TURING simply did not tell the truth, but not for ill intent.

TURING admits that, yes he was lying but that a friend told him who it may have been. OK, so now we are getting somewhere. It turns out that this “friend” RON MILLER told GEORGE where TURING lived. It appears that TURING is trying to protect RON, but why? ROSS is thinking that maybe this RON and GEORGE are in this together.

The conflict ROSS is having: TURING is a nice guy. ROSS likes TURING although TURING is socially naive. ROSS is also frustrated in trying to convince TURING that these two guys are in on this together. ROSS wants to see justice done, but needs the commitment from TURING to proceed.

TURING then admits that he is trying to protect RON because he is having an affair with him.

More conflict: TURING has just admitted to the crime of Gross Indecency. This was unexpected. ROSS wants justice to be done, but now has to deal with the second crime, TURING’s admission of Gross Indecency.

When broached, TURING asks if ROSS could just forget TURING’s admission.

Even more conflict: The law must be obeyed. ROSS cannot ignore one crime in pursuit of the other. He cannot ignore evidence even if it is against a National Hero.

Sometimes, enforcing the law, just sucks.

What I Did On 2008-08-25

  • Canasta with parents. 3 people, no partners, playing to 5000. Earlier, I discarded a 5 pt card I could have played. My 3rd round score: 4995 #
  • Had a headache all morning. Wife did/does as well. Mine seems to have gone away with a BK lunch followed by Starbucks. #
  • I should have Tea instead of Coffee. I have some Almondina Biscotti from Teavana, but I had a gift card from Starbucks. Free is always good. #
  • Studying lines at work, not for Streetcar, but acting class. Sshhh. Don’t tell anyone. #

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