This Week in Acting

Last nights class was fantastic. The class has 10 people and Pat divides us out into pairs. He likes to work a scene until he is satisfied with our exploration of the script. Last night Alan Phelps and I finished up our scene and will now move on to other partners. Alan did a great job and even Pat said it was the best work he as seen Alan do. My next scene is Breakfast with Les and Bess with Robin (darn it. I don’t know her last name). And after that is a scene from Lone Star by James McLure with Dan.

On the A Streetcar Named Desire front, the director got a little annoyed with everyone on Tuesday. We were supposed to be off book. I am as guilty as everyone else, except Mike Yow who has been off book for over a week now. What makes it even tougher is when someone cannot deliver their line which gives you the queue for your line. To night should be better though. Only a few more weeks till we open.

Did not win a MAT award

The Metropolitan Atlanta Theater Awards ceremony last night was a lot of fun, despite not winning. Got to see a lot of people I had been in other plays with. Still, I am very please to have been nominated. There were, I think, 27 productions reviewed and over 500 people involved with those productions.

Of the two plays that I was in that were judged, Breaking Legs and A Christmas Story, there we 10 nominations and the winners were:

Wally Hinds – Best Set Design for a Play – Breaking Legs

Murray Mann – Best Sound Design for a Play – A Christmas Story

Martha Kennedy – Best Minor Supporting Actress in a Play – Miss Shields – A Christmas Story

People I have been with in other plays who won:

Barbara McFann – Major Supporting Actress in a Play – Mrs. Baker – Come Blow Your Horn at ACT1 Theater.

David Shelton with Rob Roy Hardie and Kelly Lane – Best Sound Design for a Musical – Little Shop of Horrors at Kudzu Playhouse.

What I Did On 2008-09-13

  • Had a fun evening with the cast of Streetcar. This group does a lot together. #
  • Must start day. Lots to do. Pickup tux, dry cleaners, haircut, PetSmart. Tmro are the MAT Awards. Have an entourage going with me to awards. #
  • Add to the to do list: study lines. We are off book on Tuesday for Streetcar. And yet another website makeover. Finally something I like! #
  • OK. done with the out of the house errands. Now to finish updates to web redesign. #
  • For what it’s worth, the redesigned acting site is up. The blog will take a while to convert. There are some tweaks to make also, but… #
  • And some IE tweaks. I really do hope IE8 works better than it’s predecessors. #
  • I am not totally happy with the javascript I am using, but it will do for now. #

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