Auditioning for Spreading It Around

STAGE DOOR PLAYERS will hold professional Non Equity auditions for the

US Premiere of Spreading It Around, a new comedy by Londos D’Arrigo on Sunday, October 5 from 6:30 til 9:00 PM.

This light-hearted comedy finds Angela Drayton, a wealthy widow living in a retirement community in Florida. When she grows tired of footing the bills and handing out money to her inappreciative children, she and some of the other residents start the “S.I.N. (Spending It Now) Foundation,” an organization which gives to those really in need. Fearing they will lose their inheritance, her greedy son, and his shopaholic wife show up to try to have her committed for incompetence. Turning the tables, Angela shows them just how competent she is, and then shows them the door.


Angela Drayton: an active attractive woman in her 60’s

Martin Wheeler: a fit, well preserved man in his 60’s

Larry Drayton: Angela’s son, arrogant, self important man in his 30’s

Traci Drayton: his self absorbed, fashionista wife in her 30’s

Dr. Krapinsky: psychiatrist in his late 40’s to early 50’s

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Rehearsals to begin late December, opening January 23, 2009 for a four week run. Performances are Thursday through Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Show is directed by Robert Egizio.

For an audition appointment, please call 770-396-1726; ext 7.

What I Did On 2008-09-27

  • Tired. Long day today. Streetcar rehearsal and set build. Bright Flames rehearsal tonight. Do it again tomorrow. #
  • Duluth is having their Fall Festival today. I have to contend with that for parking. May have to walk a little bit to get to the theatre. #
  • Walked around the Duluth Fall Festival for a while after rehearsal. Lots of boths and people. Parade was nice. #
  • At 6PM, will need to leave to for Bright Flames rehearsal. I’ll be glad when Streetcar starts so I can have a few nights off. Darn day job. #

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What I Did On 2008-09-26

  • Seriously bored at work today. And my Adult ADD is working in over time. I really need to see a doct….. #
  • An anoying thought I have about doing something about the Adult ADD is will it affect my acting. #
  • @crazeegeekchick Very funny. #
  • @crazeegeekchick The really bad thing is that I find I have better concentration when I am working on my onw websites, and not work sites. #
  • Even then I … oh look a butterfly #

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New Project: Bright Flames TV

Teresa Sanson, who I was with in Heidi last year, contacted me just recently about a TV pilot she is involved with. Their actor who was cast for Soren Kierkegaard dropped out and they needed some one else.

From their MySpace page:

BrightFlamesTV is a forum for some of the best minds in World History to “duke it out” in a talk-show format a’la The View

Similarly, in the 1970’s host Steve Allen (The Tonight Show) developed “Meeting of the Minds” in which famous (and not-so-famous) political, artistic, and literary types came together to debate points of view from their respective time periods and the current events of the day. Imagine Julius Caesar analyzed by Sigmund Freud, or a mano a mano between arch-feminist Simone deBeauvoir and the austere John Calvin, just to name a few!

Bright Flames is a developing episodic tv series and will be filmed and aired at Comcast Community Television in Atlanta, GA.

The goal is to sale this to someone like PBS or The History Channel as an ongoing series. Teresa is working with Robert Howell on the Project. They have access to a professional studio at Comcast. I met with them about the project and like what they are trying to do.