A Streetcar Named Desire opens tonight

Tonight we open. The first dramatic role I have had. I have done mostly comedy and family plays with some hints of drama, but not a full on drama. I have been wanting to do one of these for a while. And to have one of the lead roles, even better.

I love playing MITCH. A naive character with lots of emotion. He is very trusting of people and cares a lot for the people around him.

The Red Clay Theatre is nice space for actors. Separate Men’s and Women’s dressing rooms, very large.

I do hope we get good crowds. 15 shows on three weekends. Thursday through Sunday with two shows on Saturday.

More info here.

What I Did On 2008-10-01

  • Streetcar is going to be 3 hours long. Set changes take too long. Last night was another midnight getting to bed. Yawn. #
  • Pitched a fit last night. Theatre owners seem to be stingy with the A/C. It was 80+ and that was before turning on the stage lights. #
  • Little embarrassed by that #
  • Retweet @the_brian_jones: Dang, @swayward, that’s rough. Of course, it *is* New Orleans 😉 <– that is True #
  • #atlgas: RaceTrac 5700 Peachtree Indust Blvd, all flavors, no wait #

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What I Did On 2008-09-28

  • Robert and Teresa were very please with my reading this evening. We did not cover the entire script, just enough to get a feel for it. #
  • Atlanta is out of Gas. On the way home , I tried to find some. I have a half-a-tank but that is usually when I fill up. #
  • Mom brought an antique vase from my sisters’ to keep safe here, she dropped it on the door stoop and shatter it. Poor mom. #
  • Built set all day today for Streetcar. Open Thursday. counting down. #

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