
Film: Marty
Author: Paddy Chayefsky
Role: Marty Piletti
Age: 35 – 45
Style: Dramatic
Time: 1:15

Ma, when are you going to give up? You gotta bachelor on your hands. I ain’t never gonna get married. Sooner or later, there comes a point in a man’s life when he gotta face some facts, and one fact I gotta face is that whatever it is that women like, I ain’t got it. I chased enough girls in my life. I went to enough dances. I got hurt enough. I don’t wanna get hurt no more.

I just called a girl this afternoon, and I got a real brush-off, boy. I figured I was past the point of being hurt, but that hurt. Some stupid woman who I didn’t even want to call up. She gave me the brush. That’s the history of my life.

Ma, whaddaya want from me?! Whaddaya want from me?! I’m miserable enough as it is! I don’t wanna go to the Waverly Ballroom, because all that ever happened to me there was girls made me feel like I was a bug. And you know what I got for my trouble? Heartache! A big night of Heartache! I got feelings, you know. I had enough pain. No, thank you. Ma, I’m gonna stay home and watch Sid Ceasar.

Edited: 50 Seconds
Ma, when are you going to give up? You gotta bachelor on your hands. Sooner or later, there comes a point in a man’s life when he gotta face some facts. I chased enough girls in my life. I got hurt enough. I just called a girl this afternoon, and I got a real brush-off, boy. I figured I was past the point of being hurt, but that hurt. Some stupid woman who I didn’t even want to call up. She gave me the brush. Ma, whaddaya want from me?! I’m miserable enough as it is! I don’t wanna go to the Waverly Ballroom, because all that ever happened to me there was girls made me feel like I was a bug. And you know what I got for my trouble? A big night of Heartache! I got feelings, you know. I had enough pain. No, thank you. Ma, I’m gonna stay home and watch Sid Ceasar.

Degas, C’est Moi

Play: Degas, C’est Moi
Author: David Ives
Role: Ed
Age: 30 – 50
Style: Comedic

A stroke of genius. I decide to be Degas for a day. Why Degas? Well why not Degas? Pourquoi pas Degas? Maybe the prismatic bars of color on my ceiling have inspired me. Maybe it’s all the cheap French wine I’ve been drinking.

Okay, so I don’t know much about Degas. Let’s See. Dead, French, impressionist painter of ballerinas, flowers, that kinda thing. And okay granted, I’m not French, dead or a painter of any kind. And yet – are Degas and I not united by our shared humanity? By our common need for love, coffee, deodorant?

This is wonderful! In the bathroom, the very porcelain pullulates with possibilities. Will you look at the luster of that toilet? In the shower, it feels strange, lathering an immortal. What’s even stranger, the immortal is lathering back.

How did I become such a genius? I, who flunked workshop in high school? Was it my traumatic childhood? Did I have a traumatic childhood? Well something must have happened. Because now I’m great. I’m brilliant. My name will live forever! Gone the dreary daily déjà vu. Today – Degas vu.

EDITED: 50 Seconds.
A stroke of genius. I decide to be Degas for a day. Why Degas? Well why not Degas? Pourquoi pas Degas?

Okay, so I don’t know much about Degas. Let’s See. Dead, French, impressionist painter of ballerinas. And okay granted, I’m not French, dead or a painter of any kind. And yet – are Degas and I not united by our shared humanity? By our common need for love, coffee, deodorant?

How did I become such a genius? I, who flunked workshop in high school? Was it my traumatic childhood? Did I have a traumatic childhood? Well something must have happened. Because now I’m brilliant. My name will live forever! Gone the dreary daily déjà vu. Today – Degas vu.

What I Did On 2009-02-02

  • Well, it’s a Monday. This week we are off book for “One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest”. And I have several monologues to memorize for Sunday. #
  • Actually the monologues are for an audition on the 11th. Sunday is private sessions with Pat Hurley to rehearse the monologues. #
  • Listening to “Death Cab for Cutie”. Good stuff. Never heard of them before today. Found out about them via a Facebook invite. #

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What I Did On 2009-01-30

  • Bright Flames TV shoot on Sunday has been canceled. A fall out I think between the Tech Guy with all the film equipment and the Director. #
  • I was so ready to shoot this thing and get it behind me. One of the most aggravating projects I have ever worked on in my short career. #
  • Anyone know of a camera crew willing to work for nothing for episode 1. There may be money in the future hopefully from PBS or Discovery TV. #
  • @the_brian_jones So sorry for your loss. in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • @the_brian_jones Beautiful cat. in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • I am so ready for my daily job to be over with. Was actually thinking it was 4:30PM-EST and started eating dinner before my evening job. Doh #

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