What I Did On 2009-02-17

  • Tired today. Tech rehearsal for “One Flew Over The Cookoo’s Nest” went to 12:15AM-EST. #
  • A friend of mine, Takara Upshaw, got a call back for “A Sunday Afternoon at Loemann’s”. Congrats. So I suppose I can say I am not cast. sigh #
  • Hoping to hear if I got a slot at the Atlanta Unifieds this year. Rumor has it that nearly 500 people applied for 250 slots. I need an agent #

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What I Did On 2009-02-13

  • Today is Friday the 13th. Run away, run away! #
  • RT @glenizett: @SWayward WHERE SHOULD I RUN TO? <– Good question. Maybe the closest timezone to Saturday the 14th. #
  • Desarano and Creme de Cacao 1 to 1 is my new favorite drink. Probably best with Godiva. Will have to try that next. #
  • Watching the Ninth Gate with Johnny Depp. the best actor ever, period! If I could be a fraction of his ability, I would make millions. #
  • Miss collage days and being drunk. I need a vacation for a month or four to Europe. #
  • being ever mindful of public opinion and what you say sucks. I love being, well, drunk. very tipsy anyway. need a chauffeur. #

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What I Did On 2009-02-12

  • You know a day is going to be long when you read each word but get no coherent meaning out of it. Part of the brain is not working today. #
  • My left ear is stuffed today, so please only twit on the right site. kthx. #

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Auditioned for A Sunday Afternoon at Loemann’s

Arrived yesterday for my audition with my headshots, but without a resume. I don’t have a printer set up at home at the moment. I had intended to print a resume at work and completely forgot. Things were off to a bad start.

On the bright side, Takara Upshaw was there. Takara and I were in Heidi together way back in 20o7. It was nice to see her again.

So as I am trying to remember what I have done and put a quick resume together on the back of the audition form, I was called in. They had an electronic copy of my resume I had sent them before, but not printed out. Nice of them not to worry about it, but they could not as any questions about any items on the resume with out it. They may have found something impressive on it just by holding it.

As far as who “they” were: Austin Snipes and well I did not catch the name of the casting person. Shame on me.

The first question: “What are you doing?’ My mind went blank, I could not remember what monologues I was doing. Even forgot I had them in my blazer pocket.

“OK. Not a problem. Please proceed.” So I start into my first monologue: Degas, C’sest Moi. Amazingly I did not flub over this one as nervous as I was. At the finish of this one, I paused, stepped aside for just a moment to get into character for the second monologue: Marty. This one I flubbed, badly.

My mind just went blank and I couldn’t call for line. After that fiasco, we discussed my headshots for a while. They liked them very much. Pleased about that.

As I was leaving, I ran into Lory Cox. We were in Barefoot in the Park last year. She was great. Maybe we will be working together again.

What I Did On 2009-02-11

  • @the_brian_jones What I plan today is hiring you to do my house. in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • What is the best pre-audition food? #
  • RT @StoutT: Best pre-audition food? BEANS!!!!!! Try to do a whole monologue without using your mouth! 🙂 <- OMG that is funny. #
  • Love these Fire Twizzlers – cinnamon goodness. #
  • Beginning to get a little nervous for my audition at 5PM-EST. I don’t get nervous (much) on stage, mainly for auditions. #
  • This afternoon: Audition for “A Sunday Afternoon at Loemann’s” and then to rehearsal for “One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest”. #
  • I tucked my shirt in and suddenly everybody want to know what is going on. Well, I am off to audition. Hope I remember my two monologues. #

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