What I Did On 2008-12-11

  • it used to be kind of easy to find people by keywords. Where the hell has that gone to! #
  • now it’s invite from other networks or by email. Where the hell is the keyword. Damn twitter. #
  • I have nothing to say at the moment. Wish I were at home with my cats. #
  • bored. So ready for Monday’s audition at Theatre in the Square. #

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What I Did On 2008-12-08

  • Well, I have survived the Flu and I am back at work. Still with a cough, but at least I am getting paid again. #
  • 2009 Atlanta Unifieds: Go Here #
  • Threatre in the Square just called me for an audition. Being non-equity, it is by invitation. Cool!! #
  • Flu’s gone. Sniffles subsiding, but not I am have a bunch of hives, allergic reaction to something. suspect work. taking Benadryl. #

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