What I Did: Week Ending 2009-03-22

  • OK. Yes I am alive this week. Forgot to wear green today and have been pinched for it, damn it. Maybe carrying green tea all day will do. #
  • Starting again in the Advanced Scene Study with Pat Hurley at the Alliance tomorrow night. #
  • I enjoyed my Advanced Scene Study class last night. Really missed being in there. Mostly new people. 2 of the 8 have seen me in plays. weird #
  • That last tweet was my 666th update. #
  • @carenwest Thank you. in reply to carenwest #
  • I will have spent $500 in 10 hours of private sessions with Pat Hurley working on monologues for the Atlanta Unifieds. I will rock this year #
  • No, not because I spent the money, but because of the training. Smatter’chu. #
  • Speaking of the Atlanta Unifieds, I have not received confirmation they have received my headshots. They are due tomorrow. Better check that #
  • @joeventures Yea! Thanks. in reply to joeventures #
  • Twitter has its uses. @joeventures unexpectedly confirmed that my headshots were received. I noticed from his tweets he works for ACPA. #
  • Having leftover Ippolitos’ Angel Hair with Alfredo. It needs some garlic.. lots of garlic. Maybe some roasted garlic on some bread. #
  • #rets I sometimes use Twitter as a research capture tool. Tidbits of info that is then captured on my blog. #
  • Three-O Vodka ads are the most annoying ads. I always have to reduce the size of my browser just to cover them up. Will NOT buy the vodka. #
  • Really like Grey Goose Vodka at the moment. Very smooth. #
  • Speaking of which, I am out of Grey Goose. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-03-15

  • @the_brian_jones Thanks! Do hope you get to feeling better. in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • RT @Foodimentary: Happy American Chocolate Week! <– Best week of the whole year. #
  • Trying a @Teavana Formosa Nut Oolong this morning. #
  • Audition slot for the Alliance Theatre Acting Program’s Summer Rep is at 7PM-EST. #
  • @the_brian_jones Thanks buddy! in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest has ended. Lot’s of people telling me how good I am acting as a mentally ill patient. My reply-Who’s acting? #
  • Whoops. Forgot to mention it’s on March 21st. –> Audition slot for the Alliance Theatre Acting Program’s Summer Rep is at 7PM-EST. #
  • D’OH. Shooting for Bright Flames TV is at the same time as the Cookoo’s Nest’s cast party. Party should be in full swing by the time I show. #
  • @vickybz Yeah. Me too. in reply to vickybz #
  • Refilled lots of tea canisters over the weekend. Almondina Biscotti black tea this morning. #
  • Got the date wrong. Shooting for Bright Flames TV is on Sunday the 15th. Not on March 14th, day of the cast party. #
  • That means I will miss another Gladiators hockey game. #
  • All you websites that resize my browser… I hate you! I will never return. #
  • All time favorite Audiobooks in order: The Hobbit read by Nicol Williamson. Idoru read by Jay O Sanders and Harry Potter read by Jim Dale #
  • OK. so it’s not a single book, mentioning Harry Potter, but Jim Dale does an awesome job. #
  • Off to proof a headshot being printed, then dinner with the wife. Return to work for a production release and then to home. #
  • OK. Back in the office and probably have an hour to wait before I have anything to test. Tea is steeping. #
  • Mandarin Orange Green tea and Guacamole make an odd flavored burp. Just thought I would share. #
  • Testing is done. I can go home. Yeah!!! #
  • @the_brian_jones Good luck. in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • @jasonburns Instead of “Bless You”, try “Damn You”. See if that works any better. in reply to jasonburns #
  • The entire QA team is out sick except for me. It may be a very long day. #
  • RT @bigelowtea: Question: how many cups of tea do you drink a day? <– about 5 #
  • Speaking of tea, its time to brew a cup. #
  • hmm.. Earl Grey Creme or Almondina Biscotti. I thing the latter. #
  • I would like to have a few cold beers and a hammock. Near a beach. #
  • @Kerriana My favorite, when I am not having tea. I add peppermint on cold days. in reply to Kerriana #
  • Nearly 75% of the acting work I have received has been through people I know. Thank You!! #
  • Last year at the Unifieds, my headshot was with hair and I had none. This year my headshot is with no hair and I have let it grow out. #
  • http://tinyurl.com/bxua4r (via @addthis) #
  • OK well that did not quite work like it should. Tim Berners-Lee talk at TED #
  • OK well that did not quite work like it should. Tim Berners-Lee talk at TED http://tinyurl.com/bxua4r #
  • #RawDataNow #
  • Does bragging about your good karma deeds give you bad karma? What does the number 7 smell like? What do you get when you multiply 6 x 9? 42 #
  • @bigelowtea instead of in reply to bigelowtea #
  • Did you know that the official state fish of Hawaii is called the Humuhumukununukuapua? It means “fish with a pig’s nose”. #facebook thing. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-03-08

  • RT @Foodimentary: Did you know in 1938, Indiana professor, Rollo Harger introduced the ‘Drunkometer’, the 1st alcohol breath testing device. #
  • Despite the slush yesterday, we still had an audience of about a dozen plus. #
  • RT @DocGyver: @SWayward People crazy about watching crazy? 🙂 <–ummm goes without saying, I suppose. #
  • Headache. #
  • Did I mention that the furnace for the main floor of the house is broken. At least the upstairs furnace is working. Knock on head (tis wood) #
  • OK, knocking on the head did not do much for the headache. #
  • So Peanut M&M’s and a coke has not helped (or hurt) my headache. Suppose I will give advil a try. #
  • @jtalia – A tea person myself. Did I get the right account? Rosewater auditions? in reply to jtalia #
  • @jtalia Cool! in reply to jtalia #
  • RT @redstarvip: I support empowerment of women worldwide with this tweet. #apowerfulnoisehttp://tinyurl.com/arkjmq #
  • How come after eating a large plate of vegetables, I am still hungry. #
  • I need a year planner for Mac and/or iPod Touch. Something where I can put in all dates so I can plan what if scenarios. #
  • Off to the Alliance to work with Pat Hurley on monologues. #
  • OK at work now. The furnace when out last week, finally had it looked at today. He jiggled a few wires and charged me $154. Could be worse. #
  • Corporate boss is in town and in the office today. Told he already did a walk through looking in all the cubes. No porn today. LOL. #
  • @DavidBlue I get the same thing as a mentally ill patient in One Flew Over The Cookoo’s Nest. The not having to act bit. in reply to DavidBlue #
  • Do’h. Keep forgetting. Tonight is Industry Night – PWYC – at New Dawn Theater: One Flew Over The Cookoo’s Nest. #
  • Approaching 200 people I am following. I think I might be addicted. Even when looking for a new phone my thought is can I tweet from it. #
  • RT @Wossy: Am just going to knock on Michael C Hall’s door. <– Have him join twitter! #
  • I played SimCity on my iPod Touch for about an hour last night. Made good progress… then the app crashed before I save any of it. Do’h. #
  • Took my headshot to Prima for more copies. I need sixty for the Unifieds. 100 minimum and they will print resumes on the back of 50 for me. #
  • Well off to the 1 of the final 5 showing of One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest. Tonight is PWYK. #
  • Nothing can ruin you day faster than an email to the world starting with “Well if this has passed the QA tests”. It was all user error. #
  • My day was good until then. Great even. Now I am in a damn bad mood. #
  • @MacHeist Yeah, I’ll take a free copy of DEVONthink! http://macheist.com/tweetblast/ #MacHeist #free #
  • @the_brian_jones You can get it for free by going to this link http://macheist.com/tweetblast/ in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • No news is bad news. Never heard from my audition on Monday. So its a spring of classes at the @alliancetheatre: Actor’s Process, Voice Over #
  • The auditions for the Summer Reps are in a couple of weeks. #
  • A great Pat Hurley quote: “Mmmm. I make the best instant coffee” #
  • Off to find some food before tonights show. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-03-01

  • So um, yeah. I need a vacation. Maybe to another planet. I wish my people would come rescue me from this Mostly Harmless place. #soum #
  • Will work for Tea. I am nearly out. #
  • Tues, on my blog, I commented about the Atlanta Unifieds. The official totals: Slots available: 236 with 24 Alternates. 342 people applied. #
  • RT @EddieIzzard: Take a leap. == A friend jumps off a cliff and you are smart enough not to, but because Eddie said it you are … hey wait. #
  • Off to meet the parents for lunch. Almost said “Parental Units”. It’s that some late 80’s terminology. #
  • My Tweak-UI’s Focus follow Mouse is acting up today. I did not realize how much I liked that feature until it misbehaves. #
  • Finished off my second tin of tea today. I need to make a trip to @Teavana and soon. #
  • Although they do allow anybody and their brother write reviews and therefore not to be entirely trusted, there are a few http://is.gd/l0lb #
  • As far as I know, the reviews could have been done by cast. More reason not to believe everything you read. If I comment, I use my real name #
  • OK. So I was a little hard on Theater Review yesterday. People sometimes review the shows out of spite. Lots are “new” people. #
  • RT @atlantasymphony: Welcome to Twitter @alliancetheatre ! <– hazaahh #
  • Supposed to shoot Bright Flames tomorrow AM and the costume people have lost the measurements and therefore no costumes. Project from Hell!! #
  • We are supposed to shoot tomorrow anyway, just to get something in the can. #
  • RT @DocGyver: well your looking at, um reading about ATL’s latest MySQL Certified DBA CMDBA <– Congratulations !! #
  • well off to find dinner then off to the play. Supposed to have a good audience tonight. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-02-22

  • Tired today. Tech rehearsal for “One Flew Over The Cookoo’s Nest” went to 12:15AM-EST. #
  • A friend of mine, Takara Upshaw, got a call back for “A Sunday Afternoon at Loemann’s”. Congrats. So I suppose I can say I am not cast. sigh #
  • Hoping to hear if I got a slot at the Atlanta Unifieds this year. Rumor has it that nearly 500 people applied for 250 slots. I need an agent #
  • Bill Bryson is the best writer. But what I really love is Bill Bryson reading his audiobooks. The Best. #
  • It #
  • What is it? #
  • Well its official. I got a thanks for auditioning, but no thanks email. Takara Upshaw did not get cast ether although she did get a callback #
  • You know, I want to buy applications for my future iPhone without having to go though the app store. #
  • I really miss my Handsping Visor with phone attachment. Best phone I ever had. Sad that that was the late 90’s. #
  • As soon as I walk in the door at work this morning, I get pulled into an argument about how long it takes to drive from Atlanta to Orlando. #
  • “You got to take the 475 around Macon.” “It takes me 6 hours. How in the world does it take you 8 hours.” <sigh> #
  • On to other topics: I was giving a slot at this years Atlanta Unifieds. Number 160. The bad thing is I have my 2 minutes just before lunch. #
  • @the_brian_jones And I was thinking maybe a Blackberry Storm over an iPhone. Calender and Contacts are a must. in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • @the_brian_jones Have you tried Missing Sync? in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • @the_brian_jones Show went OK. Not quite a dozen people. in reply to the_brian_jones #

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