What I Did: Week Ending 2009-04-26

  • Had a great time on Jekyll Island this past weekend. A coworker today said he say me there as we drove past each other. #
  • @VacationPlanner What do you mean by Free. Free drop off electronics or a free ticket for dropping off electronics? http://twurl.nl/xnai78 in reply to VacationPlanner #
  • Got a great compliment from acting coach Pat Hurley last night in class. A “1 in a million” can do that monologue. #
  • Of course I blew it off with a joke saying I was the 2 in a thousand. I shouldn’t cut up so much and accept compliments. #
  • @katehewlett Break a leg. “If one is good, two is better.” Break you legs. in reply to katehewlett #
  • RT @ARTC: Only 15 followers? Can audio drama get a little love here? <– I love ya! #
  • @amberlrhea You can also drop off at Six Flags for tickets. http://twurl.nl/xnai78 in reply to amberlrhea #
  • RT @ChicagoPlays: Ready for Talk Like Shakespeare Day tomorrow? @ShakespeareSays can help you out. http://www.talklikeshakespeare.org/ #
  • Wanna win a house in the North Georgia mountains? http://twurl.nl/p8lctw #
  • @StoutT Call me if you need a ride home from work in reply to StoutT #
  • @DJMissDVS. listening to Technophobia right now on di.fm. Awsome!! #
  • RT @atlantafilmfest: Film in the ATL: City Council pledges to make filming in the A easier. ATLFF and @kwanzahallhttp://bit.ly/3jexU #
  • I need some of that work that is coming into Atlanta. #
  • @atlantasymphony Congrats! in reply to atlantasymphony #
  • RT @Kerriana: http://twitpic.com/3ukpo – I love my atlanta! <– me too. very nice pic #
  • Seem to be doing nothing by RT and Replies today. …As I sit here looking over lines for an audition on Sunday for “The 5th Great Ape” #
  • RT @gwtgladiators: LET’S HEAR IT GLADIATORS NATION…WHAT’S YOUR ALL-TIME FAVORITE GLADS MEMORY?! <– Opening game in October 2003. #
  • @gwtgladiators There was this great 2005 game 5 playoff game into the 2nd sudden death overtime. Fantastic that game was. in reply to gwtgladiators #
  • RT @carenwest: Looking for extras for “What Not to Wear” in Atlanta on 4/27. DT me for more info! #
  • Ready for May to arrive. Hopefully I will have 3 plays on the next 4 months. I love doing stage. #theatre #
  • Hey #sinohui SpinRite from http://www.grc.com should fix the drive. (Emerging Artist Productions Presents live > http://ustre.am/2ItU) #
  • Way too much crap food today. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-04-19

  • @wcdarling I was wondering. Talk Like A Pirate day is not until September in reply to wcdarling #
  • No. Sorry guys. Class tomorrow night. http://twtvite.com/2lo52m #twtvite #nhltweetup #nhltweetupatl #
  • Their letting go another 7% of the company. Yikes! Again! #unemployment #
  • @RealHughJackman FurKids.org-a cage-free, no-kill shelter for rescued animals experience the best care in a loving environment until adopted #
  • RT @ginayates: a real celeb steps up with something worthy on Twitter. NICE…RT @RealHughJackman http://is.gd/srIs #
  • I hate looking at FurKids.org. I just want to adopt all the cats. Breaks my heart that these guys don’t have a loving home. #
  • @ginayates Thanks. Grandfather was a DAV. I need to win the lottery just so I can give it all away. in reply to ginayates #
  • @ginayates Ever held a Purple Heart. Brings tears to your eyes just thinking what may have happed for them to receive one-Still love my cats in reply to ginayates #
  • Well, my work day has ended. Bye. #
  • Going to Jekyll Island for a 3 day weekend. Leaving tomorrow, but I am missing my cats already. #
  • Most of the hits for my website over the past two days have been a combination of Sunday Afternoon at Loehmann’s. Wish I got a role in that. #
  • looks like I am the first hit on Google for that. Cool #
  • Alan Phelps, who I did scenes with at the Alliance is in the play. Go Alan! #
  • Besides missing my cats over the weekend out of town I will be missing the Gwinnett Gladiators hockey playoff games. #
  • @nikkistrick If I had that much to spend, but alas it will be twice a day cleaning for 3 boxes for the 5 cats. sigh. in reply to nikkistrick #
  • there is nothing like Ohana getting you to follow him to the cat box and having him wait while you clean it out for him. funny. #
  • Cali has done that as well. “Follow me my minion and clean my box so I can poop” #
  • @wcdarling very funny. But yes I am not sure I want to have them go when I go in the same room. in reply to wcdarling #
  • Leaving in just a wee bit for Advanced Scene Study at the Alliance. Love this class. #
  • @cmoncusphoto Thanks. Looking forward to the weekend away from Atlanta. Used to live in Brunswick from around ’73ish to ’82. in reply to cmoncusphoto #
  • RT@scottsigler: Never believed “lib media bias”: TeaParty gets 0 front-page coverage in WSJ, 1 graph in SF Chron, LA Times shows Obama’s dog #
  • OMG. Office computers are being infested by a trojan. D’OH. #
  • OK guys. Having McAfee on our PCs doesn’t do any good if you don’t update the virus definitions. #
  • RT @powellizer: Watching the World Barista Championship at the GWCC. <– What? #
  • To grow the Barista’s knowledge of and expertise in, the preparation and serving of specialty, espresso coffee through competitions. #
  • What? #
  • Barista = coffeehouse bartenders. Learn something new every day. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barista #
  • Dammit. Now I am craving a White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks. #
  • Getting excited. Vacation of sorts to the coast shall begin in just a few hours. Beginning with a 6 hour drive. #
  • Had a great time in Advance Scene study last night. Pat Hurley pushed, tweaked and challenged me last night. Even frustrating, but so fun. #
  • RT @freakygreeneyes: I booked my first tv show! <– Congratulations!! jealous I am. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-04-12

  • @THEezrunner Thanks. Another 2/3 mile walk around the building today. Determined to loose 3 lbs this week. in reply to THEezrunner #
  • Tip from my allergist: wash your face during allergy season. Keep the pollen off. Maybe I should shave my pollen catcher (beard). #
  • @theflickcast don’t you mean iTune in. <snicker> in reply to theflickcast #
  • Cupcakes? Why yes I will have one. When have I ever refused. #
  • Have an audition slot for The Mousetrap on April 28th at 7:25PM-EST at Button Theatre. I need to work on a British accent. #
  • @ginayates Thanks. I have Northern British, but not Standard which is what I need to work on. in reply to ginayates #
  • RT @the_brian_jones: @SWayward All of Monty Python is free on Youtube. 🙂 They use a wide variety of accents. <– good point. #
  • @JonathanNail Thanks! in reply to JonathanNail #
  • going to be a busy next few days. Learning lines for Once in a Lifetime, rehearsals start in May. Accent for an audition. #
  • Need to find monologues for my Monday night class and Advanced Scene Study for the next 4 Wednesday nights #
  • Oh and a trip to St. Simon’s Island and two garage sales to prep for. And damn it, I did not win the lottery. #
  • Oh well. Lunch! #
  • Note to self: Another audition scheduled for 2:16PM-EST on Sunday April 26th at Theater Emory for The 5th Great Ape. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-04-05

  • Monologues That Work at the Alliance Theatre did get enough students to make. However it is postponed till next Monday April 6th. #
  • Gonna be one of those days. Left lunch at home. #
  • Leaving soon to meet up with @DocGyver and other fellow x-coworkers. Our last Monday of the month gathering. #
  • We have been doing this gathering for years now. I left the company in 98 or 99. #
  • Must finish my cup of tea first. Tea is a terrible thing to waste. Unless you are using it as a symbol of dissatisfaction with Government #
  • In little over an hour I will leave Norcross and head down to 14th street for the Atlanta Unifieds. #
  • @jtalia Thank you. Getting nervous. in reply to jtalia #
  • @alyjack See you at 11:57 then. in reply to alyjack #
  • Off to the Unifieds. Should arrive about an hour early. Better early than late. #
  • Crap. Don’t think I did well at the Atlanta Unifieds. I did both monologues, without missing a line… as far as I know. #
  • My brain just shut down and my body was doing the monologues. That is bad, because I was not in control of what my mouth and body were doing #
  • Met @joeventures at the Unifieds. Thanks Joe. #
  • Also ran into Karen Rooker and Patrick Schambach who I have worked with in the past. #
  • Twice in two days now. A celebrity twitters a URL and their followers bombard the site and brings down the targets’ web server. #
  • Accidental of course. But it is funny the way the followers jump to see what is out there. #
  • Wow I was able to tweet the same text twice. Hit the enter key twice by accident and was able to post before tweetdeck could clear buffer #
  • RT @TheatreUBC: “God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.” – Voltaire (1694-1778) <– like that #
  • Having my first cup of tea. Shameful. Maybe it was the lack of tea for poor performance at the Atlanta Unifieds. #
  • Cranky today. #
  • RT @Foodimentary: “When I read about the evils of drinking, I gave up reading.” ~Henry Youngman <– another great #quote #
  • Accepting a role of Vale in Kaufman & Hart’s “Once in a Lifetime.” at the @alliancetheatre student program. #
  • RT @crazeegeekchick: 1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d <– damn it. #
  • Or maybe I should have said “d4mn |7” #
  • My ADD seems to be in overdrive toda…. oh look. #
  • Off to the Alliance Theatre for Advanced Scene Study class. #
  • @alyjack I did shots for years. So now the allergies are just a seasonal annoyance instead of breaking out in hives. in reply to alyjack #
  • Favorite anime series: Cowboy Bebop #
  • @wcdarling Welcome back. in reply to wcdarling #
  • RT @BenThrashers: Can any of you access atlantathrashers.com or thrashers.nhl.com? — first url No, second yes #
  • @DailyActor bluehost.com <– rated one the top five hosting services in reply to DailyActor #
  • OK, just did a half mile walk, not much but it’s a start. Now I feel coated with pollen. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-03-29

  • Can’t focus this morning. Sinus headache. #
  • Just added myself to the http://wefollow.com twitter directory under: #actor #
  • Him: Midday tea? Me: Yea. Him: I can always tell, you’re doing the Tea Walk. — I am just trying not to spill the hot water all over my hand #
  • So I have a “Tea Walk”. #
  • My after lunch green tea. Followed by mid and later afternoon white tea. Tomorrow thunderstorms. #
  • @the_brian_jones Good Luck! hope you get the job. in reply to the_brian_jones #
  • off to find some lunch. #
  • @StoutT Shall I nudge you when I get home. in reply to StoutT #
  • Some times I feel like having a Spontaneous Existence Failure. But not right now. #
  • Right now I am finishing up a cup of white tea and a dinner before I head out the the Alliance for class. #
  • When you fart, what stuffed animal do you blame it on? #
  • RT @LPGeorgia: John Monds has officially announced that he is running for Governor as of 4 PM today. <– Don’t know him. Must investigate. #
  • @krisjoseph LOL. So true. Why did I not think of that. in reply to krisjoseph #
  • @alyjack Hate it when that happens. I will get holes in the side of my shoes, usually when they become 3 years old of daily use. in reply to alyjack #
  • Didn’t realize my boss’ boss’ boss’ boss was in the building. No that was not nudity you saw in my browser. It was…um… aw crap #
  • Suppose to go down to little 5 points area to have dinner with the Bright Flames cast and crew this evening. #
  • For St Paddy’s Day, some cities will color their rivers green. Do you think the fish say “OMG. What happened to my eye site?” #
  • @feliciaday #fumusic Queen of the Damned soundtrack in reply to feliciaday #
  • 5 days until the #Atlanta Unifieds. Slot is secure, pictures are in and one more evening with Pat Hurley to work on my monologues. #
  • I would be nice if by some miracle of money and time that I could go to Netherlands for Trance Energy 2009. One day. #
  • Pat Hurley just called. Monologues that Work may not have enough students to make. Its at the Tony Award winning Alliance Theatre in Atlanta #
  • It’s only taught twice a year, so if you are in #Atlanta and want to focus on monologues, take Pat’s class: http://is.gd/phye #
  • Of course if you don #
  • doh #
  • If you don’t want to take Pat’s Monologue class, maybe you just want to follow @alliancetheatre #

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