What I Did: Week Ending 2009-07-05

  • its Monday already? #
  • Bought an iPhone 3GS 32GB in Black yesterday. I am thrilled! #
  • Cardstar, a nifty little free app for the iPhone that carries all you keychain barcodes. those cards that have a barcode on it for discounts #
  • @DocGyver Henry mentioned it last night at the gathering. in reply to DocGyver #
  • @alphatrivette um… I can do without that. in reply to alphatrivette #
  • I need for my #iphone a good notes organizer that I can sync with my macbook. #
  • RT @rustytanton: @SWayward http://evernote.com/ #iphone <– Thanks for the suggestion. #
  • Was able to pair my motorola H700 bluetooth headpiece that I had for over 4 years to my #iPhone is just a few seconds. Fantastic. #
  • Sangria would go good with my lunch just now. #
  • RT @gwtgladiators: GLADIATORS NATION!Want to renew or purchase a mini plan but can't commit the amount? ACCEPTING DEPOSITS! $25 gets you in! #
  • Gwinnett Sports: @GwinnettBraves1 and @gwtgladiators rock. I really like Gwinnett County. #
  • Office is closing early today. Yeah. wait…. I get paid by the hour. D'OH. #
  • Monday night received a call from a theatre for an audition based on the recommendation of somebody. Turned it down do to too many conflicts #
  • Was noisy in the restaurant so I missed out on the name of the Theatre and the person who gave the recommendation. All of August was out. #
  • I have audition for a short film "Trader Jack" later in July. Have the sides. Time to memorize. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-06-28

  • Finished "Once in a Lifetime" Yesterday. Beginning to look at lines for "The Royal Family". #
  • Going to see the Gwinnett Braves play the Louisville Bats on Saturday. #
  • RT @missdestructo: *sigh* Ive just been notified that @richardbranson may just be Zaphod Beeblebrox. == I believe you are right. #
  • very busy today. going to ignore you twitter, facebook, reader.google.com, etc. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-06-21

  • Crap. Upgraded to WordPress 2.8 and now need to fix my theme. #
  • The upgrade replaced some of the widgets I was using with new ones. #
  • Barbershop- Me: can you do this? (picture 20s hairstyle) Her: can't make it popup like that, but I can cut it short. Me: Thanks for playing. #
  • I have an appointment at a salon for a $50 haircut to get a 1920's period haircut for "Once in a Lifetime"… which opens Thursday night. #
  • I haven't written a blog post in a while. Maybe tomorrow. #
  • Leaving in 15 minutes for a Salon to cut my hair. 1920's here I come. My next play in August is also period, so 1 haircut 2 stage show. #
  • Need to finish my tea first. #
  • Funny that I should mention hair when my avatar pic is of me bald. Right at this moment I could pull my hair into a very short pony tail. #
  • @gwtgladiators Work, Rehearsal, Sleep, Repeat. Great Tuesday though. in reply to gwtgladiators #
  • Playing with my fake mustache for "Once in a Lifetime". Playing an ensemble person (mustached wanna be actor) and Lawrence Vail. #
  • Another cup of tea before lunch. #
  • RT @gwtgladiators: The Arena at Gwinnet Center Ranks Again! … http://bit.ly/M7yq5 #
  • Have not heard from anyone from my audition at the Atlanta Unifieds. Did by this time last year, but I had also done a follow up mailing. #
  • I had no idea how I did. My body and mouth seem to have done all the work while my brain watched. Maybe it was much worse than I thought. #
  • Depressed about all that now. #
  • My brother has joined twitter. Say hello to @rncroft #
  • @bs10064 That it is. No news is bad news. in reply to bs10064 #
  • @alliancetheatre Alliance Theatre Acting Program presents "Once in a Lifetime". June 18 – 21 in the Black Box Theatre. $10 at the door. #
  • 1979 Honda Accord got around 30 MPG HWY, same as 2009, thirty years later. And that is the major selling point in commercials. #
  • You would think that if the auto industry could increase gas millage by just 1 MPG per year, we should be driving cars that get 70 MPG HWY #
  • Auto Mile Per Gallon Technology had been stagnate for decades. Engines may have improved, but the MPG has not. #
  • 1978 Toyota Corolla around 30 MPG HWY vs 2009 Toyota Corolla around 30 MPG. 1986 Ford Taurus, 30 MPG HWY vs 2008 Ford Taurus at 24 MPG HWY. #
  • Yes cars have gotten heavier over the 3 decades of my yesterdays rant, but enough to say that the weight gain y2y negated the MPG? Come on. #
  • No. I am not saying there is a conspiracy ether, but the technology exits, just not used. Damn them. #
  • </end_rant> #
  • RT @bobbarr: New definition of "idiotic" – PETA upset that Barack Obama kills a fly. #
  • Dress Rehearsal went great last night. Actually had an audience of about 15 people. Actually was more of a preview. No start and stops. #
  • @alliancetheatre Alliance Theatre Acting Program presents "Once in a Lifetime". June 18 – 21 in the Black Box Theatre. $10 at the door. #
  • The audience was very responsive. It is a funny show. #
  • RT @ZooATL Zoo Atlanta Launches Campaign to Keep Giant Pandas in Atlanta http://www.givesotheystay.org/ #
  • I will be in "The Royal Family" in August. That will be my third George S. Kaufman play. #
  • @KristinaHughes Thanks! in reply to KristinaHughes #
  • @yaulp OK. I will concede, to a point, the validity of f=ma. But there are much better more efficient engines. There just not being used. in reply to yaulp #
  • RT Lockwood: Euro non hybrid VWs get 70mpg (UK mpg) #
  • At the end of "Once in a Lifetime", 5 couples kiss. I come away with noticeable amounts of lipstick. My wife's friend says it's not my shade #
  • RT Fallow: Casket shaped candy dish. Printed on the lid: "We think outside the box:" #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-06-14

  • RT @alphatrivette: A color-changing FROG is worshiped as a GOD in India…and these people have NUCLEAR WEAPONS!! #
  • RT @wcdarling: In US warbling teens, idle rich and pretend docs on TV worshipped as GODS – and these people have NUCLEAR WEAPONS. #
  • @ARTC No doubt in reply to ARTC #
  • following @theappleblog and @macworld via twitter and Gizmodo with pictures via http://live.gizmodo.com/. #wwdc #
  • Loving Gizmodo’s live feed from #wwdchttp://live.gizmodo.com/ #
  • iPhone has remote wipe personal data if your phone is lost. I so hope no virus is created with that in mind. #
  • I need an agent in Atlanta. #
  • @PINKSUGARATL Thanks for the RT! #
  • RT @michaelianblack: I saw a sign that said “wet paint,” so I peed on it. #
  • Saturday starts the beginning of tech week for Once in a Lifetime at the Alliance Theatre Acting Program. Opens Thursday in the Blackbox. #
  • RT @gwtgladiators: Pyle building 2009-2010 Gladiators … http://bit.ly/LXLYE === Ready for October to get here. #

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