What I Did: Week Ending 2009-11-29

  • Turns out that our production of Spoon Lake Blues in December is a World Premier!! #
  • trying to figure out how to do html emails and for MS Outlook (damn MS) I have to again code for it's idiot way of doing things. #
  • Still have a defect on my website that is only in IE and no where else. #
  • Half Day at work today. Thank goodness. Today is bring your brat… I mean kid to work day. Ru Sans for lunch. Sushi!!! #
  • The word “fail” needs to be banned and replace with the phrase “deferred success” to avoid demoralizing pupils. And teachers proposed this. #
  • RT @JonnMcDaniel: Peppermint coffee & Biscoff…my own personal crack… ==> Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha for me. #
  • It's frustrating seeing people you have worked with in theatre moving on to greater heights. I am happy for them, but start doubting myself. #
  • It's been 8 months from the Atlanta Unifieds. I was not sure how I did, but with no calls it must have been really bad. Arrgggg. #
  • December 10th is the World Premier of Spoon Lake Blues in the Alliance Acting Program's Black Box. This is a very funny play. Come see me!! #
  • I do love community theatre and the groups I have worked with, but I sure would like to do some professional shows. #
  • Maybe its the soundtract to "Southlake Tales" that is getting me into a funk. Funk… what the hell is that. #
  • Kid here at work: "my favorite color is rainbow". LIke that It's my new favorite just behind plaid. #
  • If teachers want to say "Deferred Success" = Fail, then wouldn't "Deferred Truth" = Lie. I never lie, I just Deferred the Truth. #

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Update: November 9, 2009

Podcast: I was trying to start a podcast in for the Atlanta area acting community – AtlantaActing.net. It is proving very difficult. With a full-time day job, rehearsals for a play and rehearsals for a TV program, it is very difficult to schedule interviews. Any extra time I have, I just want to do nothing.

Spoon Lake Blues: Next Monday through Wednesday, the casts of Election Day and Spoon Lake Blues will meet and perform for the author Josh Tobiessen. This will be great, meeting the author of the play. Monday, the cast of Spoon Lake Blues will perform. Tuesday is a Q&A with Josh and on Wednesday Election Day will perform.

Yesterday at set build, Pat Hurley mentioned the cast of Election Day is far ahead of the cast of Spoon Lake Blues for being off book. And as I thought about it, most of the cast on Election Day do not have day jobs. If I had all freaking day to learn lines…still, nobody else’s problem but mine. I should be off book with confidence by Monday.

Bright Flames TV: Started rehearsal a few Wednesday’s ago on Episode Two. In this episode, I play Ulrich Zwingli. Besides Robert Howell, who is the host and writer, I am the first returning actor to play a different role (Soren Kierkegaard in Episode One).

Editing for Episode One is nearly done. It will need to be entirely reshot but the thought is to try to get funding. Episode Two will go a lot smother then Episode One and will be shot in multiple segments to get all the shots needed for editing. I do hope this goes somewhere: History Channel, PBS, etc.