What I Did: Week Ending 2010-03-14

  • Started rehearsing a few weeks back The Small of Her Back by @Daynalynnn which was a 2009 Kendeda Finalist at the @alliancetheatre. #
  • The production is by the @alliancetheatre Acting Program. This will be on the Black Box stage in mid April. Playing Johnny the CFO. #
  • Got a shave and a haircut (2 bits) yesterday and now look completely different. Getting these "who are you" looks at work. #
  • Looking forward to owning an iPad. Looking forward to playing SimCity on the iPad!! It's shinny and has an Apple logo on it. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2010-02-21

  • not accepted to the Atlanta Unifieds this year. Selection committee sayd: believes there is not enough foward motion to receive new credits. #
  • What does that mean. Last year I did five stage shows with 3 leads. What??? #
  • Best year yet…. not enough forward motion??? #
  • It means that I have been in community theatre tooooo long. Looking at my resume with all the shows I have done, looks like I cannot advance #

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Not Enough Foward Motion

I did not get accepted to 2010 Atlanta Unifieds. This year, the number of applications forced the Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts to add a third day to the normally two day event.

I received my rejection letter this week. The letter stated:

“An independent panel of representatives from the theatre community screens all non-Equity applications…. The Selection Committee’s mandate is to select a group of professional and emerging actors who demonstrate a record of professional growth.”

I was rejected because “The committee believes there is not enough forward motion to receive new credits”. I don’t know what the “credits” are. Maybe part of the rating process. I have enough stage credits to meet initial qualifications; for non-Equity applicants, a minimum of 7 stage production. The resume I mailed showed 11, a partial list.

My resume is nothing but non-Equity productions. I read somewhere in an acting as profession book about being too heavy in this type of work. The perception is that too much of one type of work shows that you are not able to do other type of work, in this case Equity work. Perception.

Perception is a double-edged sword and a bitch to recover from if it is bad. So, what to do about this. I was rejected because the perception was that I am not advancing in my career to be worthy of being seen at the Unifieds. Not even for as an alternate. I am not a professional. I am not an emerging actor.

I did not receive any calls from the 2009 Unifieds. I did from the 2008 Unifieds. I was given two opportunities to impress people and I have failed. What to do about this?

First: rearrange my resume. Put emphasis on other areas.

Second: I need to get some references, some nice quotes, tag lines, sound bites from directors, casting directors, coaches and peers that I can put in a cover letter and on this website.

Third: It’s time for another mass mailing of this new resume with new cover letter.

If the perception is not an accurate reflection of who I am, then I need to do something about it. Now it is time to shower, I have an audition in a few hours.