Update for July 22, 2009

I have not written a post in almost a month, so it’s about time. I don’t have a specific topic for this one, so a general update.

Rehearsals have started for The Royal Family. I have worked with several of the cast members before and it is going to be a GREAT show. But we have lost Robin Hitchcock due to personal issues and Alpha Trivette will join us later in rehearsals. Alpha just lost his son. Our thoughts are with him. I don’t have a big role in this but do have a lot of busy work. As the houseman JO, I am on and off the stage a lot.

I had an audition for a short the short film Trader Jack last Monday. I did not have my sides as memorized as I would have liked to have them. When I got in front of the camera to do the long side I was given, all the words left me. I did have the print out and referred to it, but I believe it would have looked better if I could have done it verbatim. Teresa Sanson also auditioned, but neither of us received a role.

I am thinking of doing a podcast.

I have 3 stage auditions I want to go to in August, spread out over 4 weeks. And it is the last audition that I would really like to do. I am almost positive that I would land a role in one of the earlier auditions because of the size of the cast needed. If I did not accept a role for or even not audition for the earlier play, there is a good change I will not get any work. Sigh.

A friend of mine, and actor, turned in my headshots to his agent. I called the agent yesterday to follow up. Hope I hear something. It would be nice to have an agent also looking for work for me. Speaking of work, this is a very disturbing article about the Hollywood Middle Class. I know the economy is bad, but when there is so many new ways of distribution (the “New Media”) for potential income, this is horrible for actors.

What I Did: Week Ending 2009-07-19

  • @trancenu Nice pic! in reply to trancenu #
  • During the meet-&-great Saturday of “The Royal Family” cast, when asked “Who do you teach?”, Robert Muldoon responded: “idiots” #
  • Tweet. From tweetdeck for iPhone #
  • Off to find some food and then to audition for a short film: Trader Jack. #
  • Fracked that up. #
  • I have a bald headshot as well as one with hair. Everyone asks If I would be willing to shave it again. Maybe I should keep it so #
  • I like this video by @bobbyllew http://twitvid.com/1B2C5 #
  • @alphatrivette’s son is very sick. He needs some positive thoughts and support for his son. Please send some. #
  • RT @ACTORSandCREW: “Acting has to do with saying it as if you meant it, so for me the words are always very important.” – Christopher Walken #
  • RT @ACTORSandCREW: “One longs for a director with a sense of imagination.” – Alan Rickman #
  • RT.VO Tip of the Day: Sleeping with a humidifier can help you keep your vocal cords from getting dry so they’re in shape for the day to come #
  • I am not much for #followfriday but how bout a #ifollow: a list of those I enjoy following. #
  • #ifollow Local sports: @atlanta_steam, @gwinnettbraves1 @ATLSilverbacks @AtlRollergirls @AtlantaDream @gwtgladiators #
  • #ifollow I could go on, but I can be lazy sometimes. Local Theatre: @RelapseTheatre #
  • #ifollow Over Seas actors: @bs10064. Like I said I could go on in categories like this for the 500+ tweeters that I follow. Too lazy. #
  • Rosewater Theatre in Roswell needs to sell out this weekend, Friday and Saturday at 8 and Sunday at 3pm to keep their doors open. #theatre #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-07-05

  • its Monday already? #
  • Bought an iPhone 3GS 32GB in Black yesterday. I am thrilled! #
  • Cardstar, a nifty little free app for the iPhone that carries all you keychain barcodes. those cards that have a barcode on it for discounts #
  • @DocGyver Henry mentioned it last night at the gathering. in reply to DocGyver #
  • @alphatrivette um… I can do without that. in reply to alphatrivette #
  • I need for my #iphone a good notes organizer that I can sync with my macbook. #
  • RT @rustytanton: @SWayward http://evernote.com/ #iphone <– Thanks for the suggestion. #
  • Was able to pair my motorola H700 bluetooth headpiece that I had for over 4 years to my #iPhone is just a few seconds. Fantastic. #
  • Sangria would go good with my lunch just now. #
  • RT @gwtgladiators: GLADIATORS NATION!Want to renew or purchase a mini plan but can't commit the amount? ACCEPTING DEPOSITS! $25 gets you in! #
  • Gwinnett Sports: @GwinnettBraves1 and @gwtgladiators rock. I really like Gwinnett County. #
  • Office is closing early today. Yeah. wait…. I get paid by the hour. D'OH. #
  • Monday night received a call from a theatre for an audition based on the recommendation of somebody. Turned it down do to too many conflicts #
  • Was noisy in the restaurant so I missed out on the name of the Theatre and the person who gave the recommendation. All of August was out. #
  • I have audition for a short film "Trader Jack" later in July. Have the sides. Time to memorize. #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2009-05-17

  • Saw “1:23” at Synchronicity this past weekend. It is only 60 Min long with no intermission. It was very good. It is worth a watch. #
  • Busy week. Monologue class tonight. Rehearsal for Once in a Lifetime: Tue, Thur, Fri. Audition for Summer Reps 3 & 4 on Saturday night. #
  • Finished Monologues That Work class at the Alliance last night. There was a mock interview/audition that I blew one of the two monologues. #
  • Tonight we start blocking Once in a Lifetime. Mostly Act 1 and I am not in until Act 2. So I will be there learning lines while I sit around #
  • I scared a follower away. I always try to find out who the person is if there is no bio or website. Found person on Facebook, so… #
  • So seeing that the person was legit, I sent a friend request on Facebook. Now they no longer follow me on Twitter. #
  • Itchy eyes this morning. Grass pollen I suppose. Taking a Benadryl. #
  • .ly is the Internet country code top-level domain for Libya. Various sites using it such as bit.ly Libya as in Reagan dropped bombs on #
  • Libya has made great strides to work with the US on this that and the other, but… just an FYI #
  • Yeah. Not needed tonight at rehearsal. I probably will be doing a very small ensemble part as well as VAIL, but not really needed tonight #
  • @bs10064 Break a leg! in reply to bs10064 #
  • @DocGyver Just learned my grandmother passed away a couple of hours ago. 🙁 <– Sorry to hear that #
  • Auditions for the Alliance Acting Program Summer Rep 3&4 are this Saturday. Call 404.733.4700 for slot. REALLY NEED MALES!! #
  • sinus headache and ichy, watery eyes. damn. #
  • RT musickd: Anyone who’s capable of getting themselves into a position of power should on no account be allowed to do the job. Douglas Adams #
  • RT @Mixology Google seems to be down over here. #google <–> No google seems to be down over here. #
  • #google which is really annoying because there is a #wootoff today and woot appears to be using google ajax apps. #
  • Meaning the page will not load. #
  • I should fix my websites to use an alternate stylesheet if javascript is disabled. For the most part my site works fine but… #
  • @bs10064 sorry about the cast member, next time I will say “Good Shit”. Isn’t that a Euro thing or was it made up in Breaking Legs (play). #
  • @krooksie. An appointment is needed, but it’s between 6:30 and 9:30 Saturday May 16. Alliance Acting Program auditions. Call 404.733.4700. #
  • French people say “Bonne merde” (have good shit) instead of Break-a-leg #
  • German people say “Hals- und Beinbruch” (not only the leg but also the neck) instead of Break-a-Leg #
  • At least according to one website, so take with a grain-of-salt. #
  • I wished @bs10064 break-a-leg and one of his cast members did. So from now on it’s Bonne Merde. #
  • Just realized I am doing exaclty like my grandmother did: She always put a folded napkin under her coffee cup. And that is what I do at work #
  • RT @mashable: Facebook Scam Alert Update: also do not click Facebook links to 151.im and 121.im. Info here: http://bit.ly/17KHiG #
  • RT bs10064@SWayward better to say “Good Craic” as that’s more a Northern Irish term where i’m at atm 😀 <– instead of Break-a-Leg #
  • Pretty good rehearsal last night. I will actually be singing just off stage for a scene. Part of the ensemble as well as VAIL. #
  • I did my daily walk as soon as woot detoured to wine.woot. so I wouldn’t miss any thing during the wootoff. How lame is that. #
  • only did 2/3rds mile today instead of the mile. too how. waaa. #

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A Note On Callbacks

Yesterday, I said I might age myself for a callback. Typically this is the wrong thing to do. Depending on where you are being called back to, say New York or Los Angeles, you should return to the callback exactly like you did for the initial audition. Well as much as possible. When directors, casting directors, agents, etc., see hundreds of people in a very short time, it is hard for them to remember what you looked like before. Yes you did give them a headshot, but how many of us always look like our headshot all the time. And a headshot is just that… your head.

If you return to the callback looking exactly like you did during the audition, the auditors have a better chance of remembering who you were and why they called you back. And in the end, that could be more important that you actually getting a role for what you auditioned for. Say a month or two latter the auditors are working on a new project, they just might remember you and give you a call.

I know the auditors for this audition/callback very well. I have worked with them before so I really don’t have to worry about them remembering me. I am not going to go overboard with aging and actually the only thing I will end up doing is making my hair a little more respectable.