Audition for Artists Showcase of Atlanta

The Third Annual Artists Showcase of Atlanta will be held on Saturday, July 2nd and Sunday, July 3rd, 2011 at 7:30pm on Saturday and 5:00pm Sunday at 7 Stages, 1105 Euclid Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30307.

Be part of the 3rd annual Artists Showcase of Atlanta where we’re making valuable connections for participating actors, writers and other industry professionals. 60% of participants in the 2010 Artists Showcase received second auditions from agents who attended the Showcase Event. 46% of all participants got representation!

Artists Showcase of Atlanta is one of the best ways to be seen by Atlanta’s top talent agencies. In the past we’ve had representatives from PeopleStore, Houghton Talent, Atlanta Models & Talent, as well as casting directors, stage directors, producers and a wide range of other industry professionals.

Audition dates: Saturday, April 16 & 23, 11am – 2pm.
Actors ages 18 and older will be seen at Clayton State University, 2000 Clayton State Blvd., Morrow, GA 30260 – Arts & Sciences Bldg. Rm. G132

WHAT TO PREPARE: Bring 2 headshots/resumes and a 2-minute monologue. If you would like to sing, please prepare 16 bars a cappella.

If you are chosen for the showcase, there will be an entry fee of $275.

To find out more about Artists Showcase of Atlanta: Visit or send an email to to request an audition slot.

Twitter: Week Ending 2011-03-27

  • Just finished audition for Jodi at the Alliance. Damn I was too nervous perform well. #
  • Ran into Jodi about 15 minutes later. Asked “how bad was it?” She said “Stop it. You did fine.” I could be paranoid about “fine”, but why? #
  • Olympic Village research: Watched the closing credits of the Atlanta Olympic Games, the triumphs and the heartbreak, all around play setting #
  • #

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What I Did: Week Ending 2010-08-08

  • Here I sit, taking… waiting to get a pouring license for Gwinnett county. Then off job hunting. #
  • Have an audition tomorrow via Babes ‘N Beaus Talent Agency. Yahoo. #
  • Two shows this afternoon-evening. Had about 50 kids at the 4:30. Next show in 10. Fabulous Fable Factory at the @alliancetheatre black box. #
  • Sitting at Joes with a few members of the cast of The Fabulous Fable Factory. Well that’s about it. #

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Not Enough Foward Motion

I did not get accepted to 2010 Atlanta Unifieds. This year, the number of applications forced the Atlanta Coalition of Performing Arts to add a third day to the normally two day event.

I received my rejection letter this week. The letter stated:

“An independent panel of representatives from the theatre community screens all non-Equity applications…. The Selection Committee’s mandate is to select a group of professional and emerging actors who demonstrate a record of professional growth.”

I was rejected because “The committee believes there is not enough forward motion to receive new credits”. I don’t know what the “credits” are. Maybe part of the rating process. I have enough stage credits to meet initial qualifications; for non-Equity applicants, a minimum of 7 stage production. The resume I mailed showed 11, a partial list.

My resume is nothing but non-Equity productions. I read somewhere in an acting as profession book about being too heavy in this type of work. The perception is that too much of one type of work shows that you are not able to do other type of work, in this case Equity work. Perception.

Perception is a double-edged sword and a bitch to recover from if it is bad. So, what to do about this. I was rejected because the perception was that I am not advancing in my career to be worthy of being seen at the Unifieds. Not even for as an alternate. I am not a professional. I am not an emerging actor.

I did not receive any calls from the 2009 Unifieds. I did from the 2008 Unifieds. I was given two opportunities to impress people and I have failed. What to do about this?

First: rearrange my resume. Put emphasis on other areas.

Second: I need to get some references, some nice quotes, tag lines, sound bites from directors, casting directors, coaches and peers that I can put in a cover letter and on this website.

Third: It’s time for another mass mailing of this new resume with new cover letter.

If the perception is not an accurate reflection of who I am, then I need to do something about it. Now it is time to shower, I have an audition in a few hours.