Auditioned for Spreading It Around

Auditioned last night for a new play called Spreading It Around by Londos D’Arrigo at Stage Door Players. Arrive at 6:30 PM for a 6:45 audition slot. All the times I have auditioned in a time slot, it was just me doing a cold reading with an assistant. This time was different. I was given a side and assigned 3 other people to read the side with.

In the past, open auditions at Stage Door have been a zoo. Not because of bad management, but because of overwhelming response to open auditions. This time Robert Egizio assigned time slots. I don’t know what the actual design was, but it looked as if there were 5 or so people added to the mix every 15 minutes. And out of those people arriving every 15 minutes, there were people for each main character.

So when I went over the lines for our reading, there was a LARRY (who I read for), his wife TRACI, his mother ANGELA and a psychiatrist DR KRAPINSKY. It was actually a very fun read.

I have auditioned for Robert Egizio about a-half-dozen times, with no landed roles, and he knows me by name. When I arrived, his assistant (darn it – not sure of her name) knew my name. I was impressed with that.

And I walked out without a resume or headshot. I was so focused on dress the part that I forget to get the essentials. Luckily, I stopped by my wife’s office and printed out a resume. The first thing Robert said to me was “You need a new headshot”. This is true. Earlier in the year I was bald and it has grown back in. I do have an older headshot, about 4 years old, and a headshot taken earlier this year with no hair. But now I have even begun styling my hair differently from before. Robert has seen both headshots and probably has several on file.

I was very pleased with my reading. The best I have done for Robert. But I am pretty sure I will not get the role. The person who read KRAPINSKY was called in specifically to read LARRY. So no role.

Great networking though. I ran into two people I have done plays with, three people from acting class and a one off connection (someone in my currently play was in a play with this person).

I would love to be in a play at Stage Door, but alas, I don’t think it will be this one.

Auditioning for Spreading It Around

STAGE DOOR PLAYERS will hold professional Non Equity auditions for the

US Premiere of Spreading It Around, a new comedy by Londos D’Arrigo on Sunday, October 5 from 6:30 til 9:00 PM.

This light-hearted comedy finds Angela Drayton, a wealthy widow living in a retirement community in Florida. When she grows tired of footing the bills and handing out money to her inappreciative children, she and some of the other residents start the “S.I.N. (Spending It Now) Foundation,” an organization which gives to those really in need. Fearing they will lose their inheritance, her greedy son, and his shopaholic wife show up to try to have her committed for incompetence. Turning the tables, Angela shows them just how competent she is, and then shows them the door.


Angela Drayton: an active attractive woman in her 60’s

Martin Wheeler: a fit, well preserved man in his 60’s

Larry Drayton: Angela’s son, arrogant, self important man in his 30’s

Traci Drayton: his self absorbed, fashionista wife in her 30’s

Dr. Krapinsky: psychiatrist in his late 40’s to early 50’s

Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Rehearsals to begin late December, opening January 23, 2009 for a four week run. Performances are Thursday through Saturday evenings and Sunday afternoons. Show is directed by Robert Egizio.

For an audition appointment, please call 770-396-1726; ext 7.

A New Play

Last Monday, I was looking around various theatre websites and looking at Red Clay Theatre and their upcoming plays, noticed that New Dawn Theatre Company was doing A Streetcar Named Desire. The audition notice was on their website and apparently, according to my biggest fan: Mom, in the Gwinnett Daily Post, but not on Atlanta Performs, where I find most of the community auditions.

I was a little sceptable about the group, but they were performing at Red Clay. I called and talked to someone about the audition. Just show up.

OK. So I did. I was getting the feeling that this was real hometown community and that the cast was sort of already selected. So I really did not hold much enthusiasm for getting a role. There were other shows I wanted to audition for so I decided not to take any role other than STANLEY or MITCH, the lead male roles. (I hope I don’t sound arrogant, but there other plays I wanted to audition for.)

The director, Rick Thompson, remembed me from a prior audition (I am bad with that type of thing). He was very attentave to the actors and I was impressed by that. He said he would notify those he wanted by email on Thursday. I had not seen anything by dinner and figured I did not get a role.

I did get an email and was offered MITCH. Cool!

First read though is Tuesday night. I am excited to be doing a drama.

Audition Notice: The Woman in Black

The Rosewater Theatre is searching for two good men and will be holding non-equity Open Auditions for the spine tingling thriller The Woman in Black by Stephen Mallatrat (Based on the novel by Susan Hill).

Auditions are scheduled for Saturday, August 9th from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM and Sunday, August 10th from 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM and will be directed by Greg Poulos.

Auditioning for 1 man aged 25 to 35 and 1 man aged 45 – 65. Both must be able to do British accents. Also, auditioning for 1 woman who has non-speaking role but whose role is extremely vital.

This show will be performed in the Theatre in the Round.

Auditions to be held at The Rosewater Theatre, 633 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Roswell, GA 30076 (located on the corner of Alpharetta Hwy in the Roswell Village Shopping Center). Check website for show dates and directions to our theatre. No monologue is necessary. Cold read from the script. Please bring resume and headshot if available.

The framework of this spine tingler is unusual: a lawyer hires an actor to tutor him in recounting to family and friends a story that has long troubled him concerning events that transpired when he attended the funeral of an elderly recluse. There he caught sight of the woman in black, the mere mention of whom terrifies the locals, for she is a specter who haunts the neighborhood where her illegitimate child was accidentally killed. Anyone who sees her dies! The lawyer has invited some friends to watch as he and the actor recreate the events of that dark and stormy night. A classic of the genre.

For additional info please visit or email or call 770-640-5500.

Auditioning for A Streetcar Named Desire

“A Streetcar Named Desire” -A New Dawn Production
October 2 – 19
Thurs-Sat at 8pm
Matinees: Sat and Sun at 2pm
Tickets $18.00
Company: New Dawn Theater Company
Venue: Red Clay Theatre and Arts Center

This classic deals with a culture clash between two symbolic characters, Blanche DuBois, a pretentious, fading relic of the Old South, and Stanley Kowalski, a rising member of the industrial, urban immigrant class. From the beginning, Blanche and Stanley are at odds; opposing ideals, ways of life, and each other on every minute detail of life. This confrontation ultimately leads Blanche to the revelation of her tragic self delusion and in the end, to her madness.