Audition Notice: Summer Rep at the Alliance

Alliance Theatre Acting Program announces auditions for the Summer Reps. The Summer Rep classes for adults offered by the Alliance Theatre Acting Program. They are created to take you through the process of audition, rehearsal, and performance with a professional teacher/director. The focus is on ensemble, relationships, rehearsal techniques and professional etiquette. The result: four performances before an audience of your friends, family and members of the general public. Be prepared – a minimum of four hours per week of preparation and rehearsal time outside of class is expected.

Call NOW to reserve an audition time slot or enroll: 404.733.4700

Tuition: $274.00

Summer Rep #1 – And Then There Were None
Audition: March 21, 2009, 6:30 – 10:00 PM
Performance: May 28 – 30, 2009, 7:30 PM and May 31, 2009, 2:30 PM
Class begins: April 20, 2009, Mon, Wed, Fri, 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Summer Rep #2 – Once in a Lifetime
Audition: March 21, 2009, 6:30 – 10:00 PM
Performance: June 18 – 20, 2009, 7:30 PM and June 21, 2009, 2:30 PM
Class begins: May 17, 2009, Tue, Thur, Sat, 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Summer Rep #3 – Our Town
Audition: May 16, 2009, 6:30 – 10:00 PM
Performance: July 30 – 31, 7:30 PM, August 1, 2009, 7:30 PM and August 2, 2009, 2:30 PM
Class begins: June 22, 2009, Mon, Wed, Fri, 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Summer Rep #4 – Royal Family
Audition: May 16, 2009, 6:30 – 10:00 PM
Performance: August 27 – 29, 2009, 7:30 PM and August 30, 2009, 2:30 PM
Class begins: July 11, 2009, Tue, Thur, Sat, 6:30 – 10:00 PM

Auditioned for Misery

I auditioned last night for Misery at Rosewater Theatre. Last night was also the callback for those who auditioned last week. But this is a good case of “Do your research”. The audition notices stated that they were looking for 1 male. And not knowing anything more than seeing commercials when the movie came out, I assumed there was only 1 male in the play. Even doing a bare minimal Google search, I found the name of the lead role: PAUL. Still did not see anything about other male actors.

I think the lead male actor is already filled and I put on the downloaded audition form that I would only accept that role. When I arrived there were sides for the other males. I ended up sticking with my choice of only auditioning for the lead for only a single reason: Alliance Theater Summer Repituar.

I was, well still am, torn about accepting another role than the lead. I do want to be seen in as many theaters as possible. My thought was that if I get the lead, I will skip the first two Summer Reps and could still do planned vacation in May. If I don’t do Misery, then I could audition for the Summer Reps, but I would miss vacation in May. I still may not get a role in a Summer Rep, but Pat Hurley, monologue coach and instructor, would like to see me audition. He is directing 2 of the 4 Reps.

Back to the audition: My first read was two different sides with a female partner and they went well. Because I was the only non-callback male there, the director asked me to read with other ladies. So I did. The more I read, the more I get to display my acting ability. Of course I am not going to NOT read with anybody.

In the end though, because I was only looking to do PAUL, I don’t think I will receive a role. That’s OK. Next audition is for the Summer Reps.

Audition Notice: Misery

Rosewater Theatre is holding auditions for Misery. Adapted to stage by Simon Moore, based on a Stephen King novel.

The Plot: This stunning adaptation of the classic thriller is a tour de force for actors. Popular romance novelist Paul Sheldon retires each winter to Colorado to write another work featuring heroine Misery Chastain. Driving while inebriated, he loses control of his car. He regains consciousness in a filthy, dilapidated farmhouse that is cut off from the outside world by a blizzard. Annie, the schizophrenic occupant, is his number one fan and she insists she will nurse him. His legs are crushed and he is virtually a prisoner dependent on her for pain relief. She discovers that his new book is not about Misery and she forces him to destroy it and write another. Thus begins Paul’s descent into a living hell of pain, humiliation and degradation. Like Scheherazade, he must write a new chapter every day to stay alive.

Show runs April 17 – May 16

Auditioning for 2 women aged 30 – 55 and1 man aged 30 – 55. Cold Read from the script. Headshot and Resume preferred but not required. No Appointment Required.

Thursday, February 26, 7 – 9 PM
Saturday, February 28, 2 – 4 PM
Monday, March 2, 7 – 9 PM

What I Did: Week Ending 2009-03-01

  • So um, yeah. I need a vacation. Maybe to another planet. I wish my people would come rescue me from this Mostly Harmless place. #soum #
  • Will work for Tea. I am nearly out. #
  • Tues, on my blog, I commented about the Atlanta Unifieds. The official totals: Slots available: 236 with 24 Alternates. 342 people applied. #
  • RT @EddieIzzard: Take a leap. == A friend jumps off a cliff and you are smart enough not to, but because Eddie said it you are … hey wait. #
  • Off to meet the parents for lunch. Almost said “Parental Units”. It’s that some late 80’s terminology. #
  • My Tweak-UI’s Focus follow Mouse is acting up today. I did not realize how much I liked that feature until it misbehaves. #
  • Finished off my second tin of tea today. I need to make a trip to @Teavana and soon. #
  • Although they do allow anybody and their brother write reviews and therefore not to be entirely trusted, there are a few #
  • As far as I know, the reviews could have been done by cast. More reason not to believe everything you read. If I comment, I use my real name #
  • OK. So I was a little hard on Theater Review yesterday. People sometimes review the shows out of spite. Lots are “new” people. #
  • RT @atlantasymphony: Welcome to Twitter @alliancetheatre ! <– hazaahh #
  • Supposed to shoot Bright Flames tomorrow AM and the costume people have lost the measurements and therefore no costumes. Project from Hell!! #
  • We are supposed to shoot tomorrow anyway, just to get something in the can. #
  • RT @DocGyver: well your looking at, um reading about ATL’s latest MySQL Certified DBA CMDBA <– Congratulations !! #
  • well off to find dinner then off to the play. Supposed to have a good audience tonight. #

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5 Down 10 To Go

First weekend of One Flew Over the Cookoo’s Nest has passed. We had very small audiences to midsized audiences, talkers and laughers (those who do that in excess). We did have lots of great audience feed back as well as people leaving. One person who left who left said they had an autistic son and our play hit too close to home. There were a lot of good comments from audience members. Two more weekends to go.

Outside of the play, I did get accepted to the 2009 Atlanta Unifieds. All hearsay is that there are 250 slots for the 2 days and over 350 people applied. Two people I know did not get accepted and 4 of Pat Hurley’s students at the Alliance did not get accepted. I really wonder what the acceptance criteria was and what the real number of people who applied was.