Dyed my hair this weekend

I am a natural blond. (Insert blond joke here.) My color is now a dark brown. In The Man Who Came to Dinner, I play the 60+ year old Dr. Bradley and gray does not show up very well on Blond hair, so I colored it. Now the gray I add each night of the performance should show up much better, I hope.

I have let my hair grow out over my ears. This will have to go, as well as, changing my style. I wear my hair parted in the middle. I will have it cut short and parted on the side. And with gray added and with some makeup, hopefully I will look much older.

The Man Who Came to Dinner opens this Friday.


Audition Notice: Never Too Late

Stage Door Players will hold non-equity auditions for Never Too Late, a comedy by Sumner Arthur Long, on Monday August 15, and Tuesday August 16, from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM both nights. No appointment necessary.

“A married man in his fifties suddenly learns he’s becoming a father again. And since his 24 year old daughter and her husband live with him; she gets up for breakfast at lunchtime and he is curiously addicted to solitaire, he finds the prospect of another unthinkable. But then his previously meek little wife begins to lay down the law. Good old fashioned comedy.”

Looking to cast three men 50+, two men 30-40, one man 20-30, two women 50+, and one woman 20-30. Directed by Artistic Director Robert Egizio, rehearsals begin August 22, show opens September 22nd, and runs through the 16th of October. Performances are Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00, and Sunday matinee at 2:30. All performers paid a stipend. Bring headshot and resume, please prepare a 60 second comedic monologue, and be prepared to read from the script.

See you at the Stage Door!


Death of Arsenic

Well, not really, just the end of the run. It was a good run for me. I mean I did not have to audition or go to rehearsals. Just show up and do it. OK, well it was a small part and I was a fill in for the actor who left.

What I also missed out on, was the camaraderie that is developed over those weeks of rehearsals. It was a great cast and I did get to know them a little. But before a performance, the cast is usually getting ready and there is some but not a lot of interaction.

Well, experience gained, contacts made and another notch on my resume.

No Dinner This Week

Another company is renting out Class Act Theatre and so we cannot rehearse The Man Who Came to Dinner this week. Mary may call a few people to rehearse at her house, but not the entire cast. Last week we did run through the entire play and completed the blocking.

This week I just need to make sure that I have my lines down. And for some of my lines, the lines where I say something like “I see you are still busy” or “Are you busy” or “I’ll wait in here”, the most important part is my queue.

Stick my head in:
BRADLEY: Mr. Whiteside…
WHITESIDE: No, not now. Go away.
Pull my head back out.

Sounds easy, and it should be, but the timing is crucial. I can very easily be skipped right over.

Last week we had a lot of fun running though the script. This is a very funny play.

Just four weeks until we open.


Dinner Rehearsal

With Lane Teilhaber, director of Beau Jest, the priority for the actors was blocking first, characterization second and memorizing lines last. Lane did not want us to concentrate on line memorization until after we had blocking down. Lane moved consecutively through the script; All of Act I Scene 1, then Act I Scene 2, everyone present.

Well each director has there own method of directing. For The Man Who Came To Dinner, director Mary Binaco is no exception.

For The Man Who Came To Dinner, there is one main presence on the stage for most of the play and that is WHITESIDE. There are many other roles that come in and out during the play. Mary has been taking the smaller roles and going over each of there parts individually with WHITESIDE. For my character, DR. BRADLEY, we went over all his major appearances, skipping over all other parts in between.

Last night we continued that method but the focus was on MAGGIE. Most of MAGGIE’s parts ended where DR. BRADLEY’s began. So, rehearsal went from WHITESIDE and MAGGIE into WHITESIDE and DR. BRADLEY in one large chunk. Skip to the next MAGGIE area and continue.

In the mean time, Mary would like for us to have as many lines memorized as possible so we can concentrate on the blocking. Mary is also surrounded by yellow notepad papers with notes. And she seems to be always thinking about and analyzing the script. Tweaking.

I am not complaining or really meaning to compare. As far as I know, me being a newbie and all, there is no wrong way to direct. These are merely observations; A note of my experiences.