Actor’s Showcase with Chris Cole Harris

Actor’s Showcase
Instructor: Chris Cole Harris
When: Mondays, 6:30 – 9:30 PM
Dates: September 19 – November 7, 2005
Cost: $176 + Supply Fee
Where: Pinckneyville Community Center
Description: Basics of Acting: monologues, scenes and improvisation with a showcase on November 11, 2005 from 6 PM to 9 PM. Note: price increase due to class length.

Actor’s Showcase Performance
When: Saturday, November 12, 2005, 6 PM – 9 PM
Where: Pinckneyville Community Center
Cost: $5
Description: Delightful acting experience as our adult acting class demonstrates monologues/scene studies in a fun atmosphere. Followed by dessert and coffee. Call (770)417-2200 for more Information.

See Gwinnett LIFE for Registration Information

Audition for Postmortem update

Apparently a large number of people auditioned on Tuesday night at Kudzu Playhouse. Jason Meinhardt, who will be directing, was at the theater till after 10 PM. Well on Wednesday night, Lane Teilhaber (director of Beau Jest) and I were the only two males to audition. Half-dozen or so females, so Lane and I read with different ladies for the same side. It actually gave me an opportunity to read over the side many times before doing it before the director.

Jason was to phone for callbacks last night and today. I think I did well, but that does not mean anything.

An interesting note: One of the sides I read was for WILLIAM GILLETTE. GILLETTE is well known for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes and has blurred the lines between Holmes and himself. GILLETTE quotes the well know Holmes axiom “Eliminate the impossible and whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” This is the single line which defines GILLETTE/Holmes as a character. I never did read that line to my satisfaction. In my mind, a perfect reading of that line within the side could land you the part.

Man Who Came to Dinner: Opening Weekend

Well, it was a very busy weekend to say the least. Lots of last minute stage prep. I arrived at 5 PM on Friday to assist with final stage prep for our 8 PM show. I finished up at 10 till 8 with painting and moving the men’s dressing room. Covered in sweat, I changed into my costume. No time for aging myself with makeup. If you remember, I play a 60 something year old man.

The play went well enough on Friday. Better than I expected. We had some large props obtained at the last minute; one being the mummy case in which LORRAINE SHELDON is trapped in Act III. We had worked on placement of the case, but until you see it, it is hard to determine just how this monstrosity will look on stage and how to interact with it.

Saturday night was fun. Lots of missed queues and forgotten lines. But we got through.

Hope next weekend is better.

Four more weekends.


Audition Notice: Postmortem at Kudzu Playhouse

Kudzu Playhouse announces auditions for Postmortem on August 9-10 from 7-9pm at 608 Holcomb Bridge Rd, Roswell. Seeking 4 women age 20-55 and 4 men age 25-65. Audition will consist of cold readings from the script. Non-equity. Stipend-paid. Performances will be October 7 – November 12. For more information or to schedule an audition, call Jeannie Hinds at 770-594-1020 or email