Audition went well. But callbacks were scheduled for last night and I was not one of them.
Breaking Legs Will Open This Weekend
But in the old theatre location. Building out the new theatre is slow going, especially when all the work is with volunteers. Not that volunteers are a bad thing, it’s that the volunteers like myself can only work after hours.
The new theatre is looking good and we may be able to do part of the run in the new theatre. But in the meantime, we finished building the set in the old theatre location. Tonight we paint. Hopefully we will have a completed stage for opening on Friday.
Kudzu’s New Theatre
On Tuesday, we rehearsed in Kudzu’s new theatre and this was after a week off for the 4th of July. So rehearsal did not go as well as we would have liked.
This was also supposed to be Tech Week for Breaking Legs, but the theatre is not ready to open. Last night I helped finish putting in the seats. The walls still need to be painted and dressing rooms built. The stage lights have not been installed. Sound is not installed. And finally the tech booth has not been built.
Still a lot of work to do to get the theatre ready and this is even before the set has been built.
It’s going to be a nice theatre though.
Audition Notice: Sordid Lives
The Process Theatre and Whole World Theatre announce auditions for their co-production of Sordid Lives by Del Shores. The auditions will be on Saturday July 21 from 11am-6pm at Whole Theatre’s 3rd Space, AN AUDITION APPOINTMENT IS REQUIRED.
The show will run in repertory with “Southern Baptist Sissies” which is already cast. “Sordid Lives” will run October 11-November 24.
Casting for the roles of
Bitsy Mae(age 25-35) must play guitar,
Juanita Bartlet(age 40-50)
Wardell Owens(age 40-50)
Odell Owens(30-40)
Noleta Nethercott(age 25-35)
Sissy Hickey(45-55)
GW Nethercott(40-50)
Ty Williams(early 20’s-early 30’s)
The audition will consist of cold readings from the script and auditions times will be in hour time slots starting at 11am. Please note if your interested in reading for role of Bisty Mae please come prepared to play a song on the guitar.
To make an audition appointment just send an email to or call 404/245-4205. Stipend Paid.
Auditioned for Iron Moon
I auditioned for Iron Moon by Gabriel Dean on Friday night. I did terrible. Awful audition. I felt that I did badly and have vague notions of what I did wrong, but cannot articulate.
I was told they would call everybody if we received a part or not. Maybe I can get some creative criticism from the director.