I don’t think it went very well. I have always had trouble changing inflections on demand. The audition notes stated that the OFFICER should be authoritative which is what I had in mind when memorizing the lines and practicing. With Alpha Tyler, she asked that the lines be dripping with sarcasm. The police have been trying to arrest MADEA for a while and now have her in custody. I just have trouble changing my tone. I need to work on that.
On the other hand, working with Alpha Tyler was great. She was friendly and talkative, which made it easy for me to relax. I hope that working with casting directors like Alpha is the rule, not the exception.
I’m curious to know how you were able to submit your information to Alpha Tyler. What’s her studio/office address? That seems to be the million-dollar question these days. I am an actress in the NOVA area and this is something I’m interested in. Thanks for any insight you can offer.
Actually Alpha contacted me. I attended the Atlanta Unifieds and she was one of the Attendees.