I would encourage everyone to signup for this class. Yes it is a class, educational and all that, but with the performance at the end. What that does for you is gives you two notches on your resume: One under training, the Second under Stage experience. The performance at the end falls under the category of “Repertory Theatre”
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online lists Repertory Theatre as:
Play production by a resident acting troupe, in which a number of plays are always ready for performance; thus acting company alternates plays, and individuals various roles, on a regular basis, while occasionally adding new plays to its repertoire.
Webster’s Online Dictionary says:
Properly, repertory is a style of a number of repertory companies which rehearsed and performed plays in a fortnight. Originally a British idea, these were professionals but due to time restraints and commercial restraints they played like amateurs. The largest repertory theatre company was and still is in Liverpool. There was a form of touring repertory called fit-up which involved carting round the set for about five different plays. The plays were shown on consecutive nights. Nowadays repertories perform just once or twice a year. The term is used in the theatre to refer to any number of two or more plays which are rotated within a season, usually alternating with different plays every night for a period of time. Plays are rehearsed at all once or in rapid succession, and often feature the same actors or company in several plays.
Even though we are not an official troupe or more actually a maintained organized group, the Actor?s Showcase still qualifies. We will have a set of monologues and one acts that we will perform on a single night. And all those monologues will add to your personal repertoire.
Class & Performance Details:
Actor’s Showcase
Instructor: Chris Cole Harris
When: Mondays, 6:30 – 9:30 PM
Dates: September 19 – November 7, 2005
Cost: $176 + Supply Fee
Where: Pinckneyville Community Center
Description: Basics of Acting: monologues, scenes and improvisation with a showcase on November 11, 2005 from 6 PM to 9 PM. Note: price increase due to class length.
Actor?s Showcase Performance
When: Saturday, November 12, 2005, 6 PM – 9 PM
Where: Pinckneyville Community Center
Cost: $5
Description: Delightful acting experience as our adult acting class demonstrates monologues/scene studies in a fun atmosphere. Followed by dessert and coffee. Call (770)417-2200 for more Information.
See Gwinnett LIFE for Registration Information